Odor Coater

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AllianceOdor Coater
Start Engineer Hexascrub
End Engineer Hexascrub
Level 30-35
Category Shimmering Expanse
Experience 27700
Rewards  [Gloves of Piscine Attraction] or  [Chestplate of Fragrant Desire] or  [Prototype Chemical Applicator]
7g 80s
Previous A [30-35] Art of Attraction
Next A [30-35] Bellies Await


Apply the Anemone Chemical Application Device to 8 Clam Divers.


Marvelous creation if I do say so myself. Ready for deployment.

Simply spray the clam divers with a bit of the chemical and they shall soon be accompanied by a protective aquatic companion. You can even spray yourself to similar effect if you desire.

Speaking of desire, I would highly recommend that you moderate deployment of the chemical attractor to minimal applications. Large doses could result in undesirable effects...

Undesirable for you anyway. Likely very desirable for the fish.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv gauntlets cloth cataclysm b 01.png [Gloves of Piscine Attraction] Inv chest plate 31.png [Chestplate of Fragrant Desire]
Inv mace 1h cataclysm b 01.png [Prototype Chemical Applicator]

You will also receive: 7g 80s


Fishy companions for all!


Well done my odorific associate. You are both swift and assiduous, if I do say so myself. May your future travels be rampant with inspiration and opulence.


A Frenzy swims over and accompanies whoever is sprayed. The Frenzy does not aid you in fights, it just ... looks cool?

  • A fish? For me? It's adorable.
  • Hexascrub, right? Of course.
  • Do I want to know where this stuff is from?
  • I don't want to be ungrateful, but was that absolutely necessary?
  • This will make me feel a tad safer from those murlocs. Thank you.
  • What the... disgusting!
  • Thanks... I think.
  • Oh come on. As if I haven't been through enough.


  1. Getting settled:
  2. B [30-35] Swift Approach / B [30-35] Caught Off-Guard / B [30-35] A Better Vantage
  3. B [30-35] The Call of the Blade (optional)
  4. B [30-35] Upon the Scene of Battle
  5. B [30-35] Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir
    1. N [30-35] Reoccupation
    2. N [30-35] The Revered Lady
    3. N [30-35] To the Fathom-Lord's Call / N [30-35] Built to Last
    4. N [30-35] Not Soon Forgotten

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