To the Fathom-Lord's Call

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NeutralTo the Fathom-Lord's Call
Start Lady Naz'jar
End Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar
Level 30-35
Category Shimmering Expanse
Experience 34650
Previous N [30-35] The Revered Lady
Next N [30-35] Not Soon Forgotten


Kill 16 Kvaldir on Nar'shola Terrace, the middle level of the ruins.

This task is part of a Naz'jar Battlemaiden vision. If needed, use the  [Blade of the Naz'jar Battlemaiden] at a time focus to return to the vision.

  • Kvaldir invaders on the terrace slain x16


Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar has sent word that the Kvaldir leader has shown himself. I would like you to make your way to him at the far end of the terrace above us, on the middle level of the ruins: Nar'shola Terrace.

Kill any Kvaldir that stand in your path. We want the echoes of this defeat to ring in their minds so that they will not dare return to threaten our purpose here.

Your devotion does not go unnoticed, my battlemaiden. Go knowing that you have my blessing.


So I am to be graced by the presence of the Battlemaiden?

The Kvaldir stream endlessly into the sharp ends of our weapons. Please welcome yourself to some of the glory.


It is good of you to join me, Battlemaiden. The echoes of your combat graced your approach. It was a beautiful sound to behold.


On accept, the battlemaiden is granted a new ability:

  • Vicious Charge 40 yd range — Charges at a target, dealing 7160 to 8840 Physical damage to any enemies in the Battlemaiden's path. Instant (6 sec cooldown)

Pick up N [30-35] Built to Last before heading up. Valid targets up top include Kvaldir Plunderers, Kvaldir Pillagers and Kvaldir Wasteroamers. The Nar'shola terrace extends all the way to the south end of the ruins, which is where Zin'jatar awaits.


  1. Getting settled:
  2. B [30-35] Swift Approach / B [30-35] Caught Off-Guard / B [30-35] A Better Vantage
  3. B [30-35] The Call of the Blade (optional)
  4. B [30-35] Upon the Scene of Battle
  5. B [30-35] Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir
    1. N [30-35] Reoccupation
    2. N [30-35] The Revered Lady
    3. N [30-35] To the Fathom-Lord's Call / N [30-35] Built to Last
    4. N [30-35] Not Soon Forgotten

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