An'dure The Giant (Alliance)

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AllianceAn'dure The Giant
Start Archmage Elandra [51.7, 50.5]
End Archmage Elandra [51.7, 50.5]
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 16350
Rewards 55 [Garrison Resources]
13g 80s
Previous A [20-40] Arcane Essence, N [20-40] Caught In The Chaos
Next A [20-40] Kaelynara Sunchaser
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] An'dure The Giant.


An'dure the Awakened
The eighth wonder of Draenor.

Retrieve the Crystal Giant Heart.


In order to break through Kaelynara's arcane shield, we will need a focusing crystal of rare power and quality.

Within the mine is a crystal giant known to the Draenei as An'dure. The giant has slept far beneath the earth for ages, but due to Kaelynara's recklessness it has awakened.

The heart of a crystal giant is a truly powerful artifact. Defeat An'Dure[sic] and return to me with a crystal giant heart.

When you return I will construct the focusing crystal and together we will stop Kaelynara.


You will receive: 55 [Garrison Resources] and 13g 80s


Do you have the crystal giant heart?


It is sad to see such a mighty creature fall, but An'dure was a danger to all within the mine. The heart of the crystal giant will aid us in restorting peace to the Jorune Mine.


  • 16350 XP


Back down to the southeast.

  • The quest title is a reference to the WWF wrestler André the Giant. He called himself and was sometimes referred to as "The Eighth Wonder of the World".


  1. B [20-40] Every Bit Counts
  2. N [20-40] Trouble In The Mine
  3. Complete both:
  4. B [20-40] An'dure The Giant
  5. B [20-40] Kaelynara Sunchaser

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