Caught In The Chaos

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NeutralCaught In The Chaos
Start Archmage Elandra [51.7, 50.5]
End Archmage Elandra [51.7, 50.5]
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 16350
Rewards 13g 80s
Previous N [20-40] Trouble In The Mine
Next B [20-40] An'dure The Giant


Rescue 8 Injured Miners.


Not all of the draenei miners made it out when the chaos erupted, <name>. Many of them are injured and still trapped inside the mine.

Kaelynara's disruption has caused all hell to break loose. Arcane Wraiths are forming from the unleashed energy and attacking everything they see. The elementals that slumbered beneath the ground are emerging from the rocks frenzied and dangerous.

Please find as many injured miners as you can and ensure that they return safely.


You will receive: 13g 80s


Have you returned the injured miners to safety?


Thank you for getting the workers our[sic] of the mine safely, <name>.


  • 16350 XP


Pick up B [20-40] Arcane Essence before heading out.

Drop to the lower level and target Crystal Ragers and Arcane Wraiths that are actively attacking Injured Miners to attempt to get credit for both quests at the same time.


  1. B [20-40] Every Bit Counts
  2. N [20-40] Trouble In The Mine
  3. Complete both:
  4. B [20-40] An'dure The Giant
  5. B [20-40] Kaelynara Sunchaser

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