Ambersmith Zikk

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NeutralAmbersmith Zikk
Image of Ambersmith Zikk
Title <Klaxxi Quartermaster>
Race Mantid (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Klaxxi
Occupation Smith
Location Klaxxi'vess, Dread Wastes
Status Alive

Ambersmith Zikk is the quartermaster for the Klaxxi. He is located at Klaxxi'vess in the Dread Wastes.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Ambersmith Zikk
<Klaxxi Quartermaster>
Reputation Item Cost Slot Type Focus
Neutral  [Cruel Mercy Bracers] 162g 69s Wrist Leather Agility/crit
 [Sudden Insight Bracers] 162g 69s Wrist Leather Intellect/crit
 [Entombed Traitor's Wristguards] 167g 73s Wrist Mail Agility/crit
 [Runoff Wristguards] 167g 73s Wrist Mail Intellect/spirit
 [Krompf's Fine-Tuning Gloves] 166g 43s Hands Cloth Intellect/hit
 [Emperor's Riding Gloves] 166g 43s Hands Cloth Intellect/spirit
 [Inner Serenity Chestplate] 321g 12s Chest Plate Intellect/crit
 [Chestplate of the Stone Lion] 321g 12s Chest Plate Strength/hit
 [Bloodseeker's Solitaire] 202g 91s Neck Strength/haste
 [Choker of the Klaxxi'va] 203g 64s Neck Agility/hit
 [Links of the Lucid] 205g 16s Neck Intellect/spirit
 [Paragon's Pale Pendant] 204g 40s Neck Strength/parry
 [Wire of the Wakener] 205g 92s Neck Intellect/hit
 [Leggings of the Poisoned Soul] 480g 40s Legs Cloth Intellect/hit
 [Poisoncrafter's Kilt] 478g 63s Legs Cloth Intellect/spirit
 [Dreadsworn Slayer Legs] 483g 94s Legs Leather Agility/crit
 [Wind-Reaver Greaves] 482g 17s Legs Leather Intellect/spirit
 [Locust Swarm Legguards] 500g 14s Legs Mail Agility/crit
 [Swarmkeeper's Leggings] 485g 67s Legs Mail Intellect/spirit
 [Ambersmith Legplates] 455g 73s Legs Plate Intellect/spirit
 [Kovok's Riven Legguards] 501g 91s Legs Plate Strength/dodge
 [Legguards of the Unscathed] 457g 45s Legs Plate Strength/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Orator] 236g 29s Waist Cloth Intellect/hit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Seeker] 237g 19s Waist Cloth Intellect/spirit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Borrower] 234g 54s Waist Leather Agility/crit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Harbinger] 235g 40s Waist Leather Intellect/spirit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Precursor] 233g 64s Waist Mail Intellect/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Winnower] 250g 48s Waist Mail Agility/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Consumer] 248g 72s Waist Plate Strength/parry
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Doubter] 249g 59s Waist Plate Intellect/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Rescinder] 247g 83s Waist Plate Strength/crit
Honored  [Restorative Amber] 10g Consumable
 [Plans: Breastplate of Ancient Steel] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Gauntlets of Ancient Steel] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Ghost Iron Shield Spike] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Ghost Reaver's Breastplate] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Ghost Reaver's Gauntlets] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Belt Buckle] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Breastplate] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Gauntlets] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Weapon Chain] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Forgewire Axe] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Ghost Shard] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Ghost-Forged Blade] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Spiritblade Decimator] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
Revered  [Grand Commendation of the Klaxxi] 50g Rep token
Exalted  [Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess] 161g 18s 62c One-Hand Mace Agility/crit
 [Amber Slicer of Klaxxi'vess] 169g 8s 72c One-Hand Dagger Agility/haste
 [Amber Spine of Klaxxi'vess] 168g 47s 69c One-Hand Dagger Intellect/spirit
 [Amber Espada of Klaxxi'vess] 170g 90s 16c One-Hand Sword Strength/crit
 [Amber Saber of Klaxxi'vess] 159g 37s 18c One-Hand Sword Intellect/haste
 [Amber Sprayer of Klaxxi'vess] 120g 44s 43c Ranged Gun Agility/crit
 [Amber Spear of Klaxxi'vess] 212g 12s 19c Two-Hand Polearm Agility/hit
 [Amber Scythe of Klaxxi'vess] 212g 88s 48c Two-Hand Staff Intellect/spell power
 [Amber Flammard of Klaxxi'vess] 199g 97s 76c Two-Hand Sword Strength/crit
 [Reins of the Amber Scorpion] 10,000g Riding (300)
 [Klaxxi Tabard] 10g Tabard




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es:Herrero de ámbar Zikk