The Wrath of Shek'zeer

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NeutralThe Wrath of Shek'zeer
Start Automatic
End Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver [55.1, 35.9]
Level 30-35
Category Dread Wastes
Reputation +350 Klaxxi
Rewards 24g 72s
Previous N [30-35] The Empress' Gambit
Next N [30-35] Shadow of the Empire


Rout the Mantid Swarm by slaying Akkolon, Shox'tik, the Manifestation of Terror, and 25 mantid subjugates.


The rest of the freed paragons are scattered around the Heart of Fear, fighting off the mantid swarm. They may need your help!


You will receive: 24g 72s


Klaxxi'vess must not fall.


The siege is broken, for now.


North, south, and just east of the entrance to the Heart of Fear are the spawn locations of the three named mobs. Keep an eye out for a bossemote announcing that one of the three has entered the battlefield, go find it and help the three paragons nearby kill it, then go back to killing trash.

Korven the Prime, Skeer the Bloodseeker, and Rik'kal the Dissector can be seen fighting against Akkolon.

Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver, Xaril the Poisoned Mind, and Kaz'tik the Manipulator, who is controlling Kovok, can be seen fighting against Shox'tik.

Hisek the Swarmkeeper, Ka'roz the Locust, and Iyyokuk the Lucid can be seen fighting against the Manifestation of Terror.

Return to Kil'ruk at Klaxxi'vess upon completion.


  1. N [30-35] The Empress' Gambit
  2. N [30-35] The Wrath of Shek'zeer
  3. N [30-35] Shadow of the Empire

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