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Type Town
Leader(s)  Archmage Ataeric
Race(s) ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
  Formerly HumanHuman Human
Affiliation(s) Forsaken, Horde
  Formerly Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran,[1] Alliance, Kingdom of Gilneas
Location Southeastern Silverpine Forest[61, 64]
Status Active (presumed)

Ambermill (or Amber Mill)[2] was a human town located slightly southwest of Lordamere Lake in Silverpine Forest. It is made up of a town hall, a stables, several mills, and a lumber mill. It was originally part of kingdom of Gilneas.[3] Following the Third War, the town was occupied by the forces of the Kirin Tor from the Magocracy of Dalaran,[4] who were friendly with the Alliance. However, the town was eventually taken by the Forsaken at the time of the invasion of Gilneas. Following the final battle of the Silverpine Forest campaign, the area is inhabited by servitors once more, though the shield is gone.


Before the building of the Greymane Wall, Ambermill and the nearby Pyrewood were owned by the Gilnean nobleman Darius Crowley. At the time of the Scourging of Lordaeron, the wall separated them from the rest of Gilneas when the doors were closed, causing Crowley to lead a civil war against Genn Greymane that became known at the Northgate rebellion.[3]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Ambermill before the Cataclysm.

Prior to the advent of the Third War, Ambermill was a relatively unimportant site in the Silverpine Forest and was mainly used for lumber harvesting, but following the rampage of the Scourge and Burning Legion through the northlands, the rebuilding wizards of the Magocracy of Dalaran began to form plans for the strategic use of the town. According to Shadow Priest Allister, Ambermill remained a source of human opposition, mainly through the support they received from Dalaran.[5] Since Ambermill was located atop a dormant ley line energy node,[6] the Kirin Tor attempted to reactivate the node for a large-scale project that was interrupted by the Forsaken, as they feared to lose their hold on Silverpine Forest if that had been accomplished.[7] The Deathstalkers learned from one of their prisoners that the wizards of the Kirin Tor at Ambermill have stored away important documents pertaining to the current state of Dalaran. Mennet Carkad asked an adventuring rogue to obtain the documents.[8]

Avelina Lilly provided her tailoring services to the wizards at Ambermill.[9]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Archmage Ataeric trying to hold the power protecting Ambermill in check.

By the time of the Cataclysm, the Forsaken conquered Silverpine Forest, leading the inhabitants of Ambermill to shift their entire town to a pocket dimension to keep the Forsaken at bay. It was later revealed that they abandoned their affiliation with Dalaran, and were plotting to return to aid the Alliance in its invasion of Lordaeron when more reinforcements arrived.[1]

The town was only accessible from a dimensional portal in Beren's Peril but it could only be entered by one person with a Dalaran Archmage's Signet Ring.[10] Outside the pocket dimension, Ambermill magi created Elemental Servitors to protect their territories from the Forsaken.[11] However, the Horde adventurer managed to enter the portal on behalf of Sylvanas Windrunner and killed many Ambermill magi and Archmage Ataeric,[12] the human responsible for keeping the pocket dimension active. With Ataeric killed, the town returned to Azeroth, leaving it open for the Forsaken to invade.[13]

Subsequently, the town was taken by the Forsaken while Ataeric and his wizards were risen into undeath. They later appeared during the final battle in Silverpine, contributing to a Forsaken victory.


The former residents of Ambermill, including Ataeric, fighting for Sylvanas Windrunner.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

During H [5-30] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter II
After H [5-30] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III
After H [5-30] Cities in Dust

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Ambermill is the only human settlement in Silverpine, unless you count the worgen-infested Pyrewood. Dalaran soldiers protect the inhabitants from Forsaken and the forest's other dangers. Ambermill is a haven for the Dalaran wizards who frequently survey the forest. The Dead Wolf Inn serves a mean bowl of venison stew.[14]


  • According to Ian Bates reporting on a discussion with Chris Metzen, some of the Cataclysm-era Silverpine Forest quests are non-canon due to a developer's error, specifically the ones dealing with Ambermill and the Forsaken-Kirin Tor conflict. The Kirin Tor at this point is supposed to be neutral.[15][16] As Blizzard never officially made a statement on these quests; their canonicity remains valid until otherwise clarified.


External links

[[Category:Lands of Conflict