All Terrain Snail

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NeutralAll Terrain Snail
Start Briggul [44.3, 79.9]
End Briggul [44.3, 79.9]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Daily
Category Zaralek Cavern
Experience 9,500
Reputation +100 Glimmerogg Racer
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [70] Come Snail Away
Slick in the City at the Wanderer's Steppe


Ride Slick through Snail Markers in Restless Wetlands, Wanderer's Steppe, Upper Frostlands, and Shifting Sands.


While life in these caverns is plenty exciting, Slick has a future in the world above. Namely as your trusty mount.

Which means he needs to prepare for all sorts of environments.

Luckily, the Dragon Isles has biomes to spare. Why don't you take him for a spin? Give him a taste of what's to come. One lap per location should do the trick.


You will receive:


I don't do too well above ground, myself. All that sunlight and fresh air just plays havoc on my sinuses.


Here comes Slick, traveler extraordinaire! Mucus seems alright, membranes nice and translucent, no cracks in the shell.

Thanks for taking care of him.


The four locations are:


  1. N [70] Off to the Track (at Renown 7)
  2. N [70] Come Snail Away & N [70W] A Race to the Finish
  3. Training dailies:
  4. N [70] Snailed It (at Professional)

Patch changes

External links