All Along the Watchtowers (Alliance)

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AllianceAll Along the Watchtowers
Start Commander Ashlam Valorfist
End Commander Ashlam Valorfist
Level 56 (Requires 50)
Category Western Plaguelands
Experience 5800 EXP (or 34s 50c at level 70)
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+100 Stormwind
Wrath-Logo-Small.png+250 Stormwind
Rewards 85s
Previous A [52] Clear the Way
Next A [55] Scholomance
and A [60G] Alas, Andorhal
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [56] All Along the Watchtowers.

All Along the Watchtowers is part of The Key to Scholomance quest chain.


Using the Beacon Torch, mark each tower in Andorhal; you will need to stand in the doorway of the tower to successfully mark it.

Once all four towers are marked, return the Beacon Torch to Commander Ashlam Valorfist in Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.

  • Tower One marked
  • Tower Two marked
  • Tower Three marked
  • Tower Four marked
  •  [Beacon Torch] (provided)


Through the use of a magical device known as a beacon torch, we can mark targets of our choosing for future actions by our troops. To that end, we think the Scourge are using Andorhal's watchtowers as a means to control their troop movements.

Your mission: breach Andorhal's defenses to plant beacons at all four watchtowers. You'll need to be in the doorway of each tower to plant the beacon; it will then proceed to mark the tower. There are only five charges on the beacon torch, so use them wisely!


You will receive:


Once the towers are marked, they'll become top priority targets for our attack on Andorhal. I suspect that once we neutralize the towers, the main threat of Andorhal will emerge. From that point on, we'll have a straight-up fight for control of the city!

You're back to report success, yes? Don't forget the beacon torch as well; we must maintain control of our materiel.


My priests are reporting that our beacon trackers are picking up extremely strong signals on all four towers!  Dare I say it, but I believe you've executed another mission with complete and total success!  Well played once again, <name>!

With the towers marked, our preparations for the attack are now in place.  The time has come to take the fight to the Scourge!


  1. B [50] A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! (optional)
  2. A [52] Clear the Way / H [53] Scarlet Diversions
  3. B [56] All Along the Watchtowers
  4. B [55] Scholomance
  5. B [57] Skeletal Fragments
  6. B [57] Mold Rhymes With...
  7. B [57] Fire Plume Forged
  8. B [60G] Araj's Scarab
  9. B [60] The Key to Scholomance


This quest may be a reference to the song All Along the Watchtower, written by Bob Dylan and made famous by the Jimi Hendrix Experience.

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