Aladrel Whitespire

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AllianceAladrel Whitespire
Image of Aladrel Whitespire
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 80
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus, Highborne
Location Craftsmen's Terrace, Darnassus[56.6, 31.6]
Status Unknown
Relative(s) Whitespire

Aladrel Whitespire is a Highborne night elf located at Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus. She is seen talking to Taladan, the Darnassian enchanting trainer, and is next to Vaean, who sells Enchanting supplies.

She is apparently related to Ithurian Whitespire and Erdunor Whitespire, two other Highborne magi who have settled in Stormwind and Ironforge, respectively.

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the Burning of Teldrassil, she was caught in the chaos and could be saved.

Patch changes

External links