Aaron "Sandy Toes" Williamson

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NeutralAaron "Sandy Toes" Williamson
Image of Aaron "Sandy Toes" Williamson
Title <Reagents>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Independent
Uldum Accord
Former affiliation(s) Schnottz's crew
Location Oasis of Vir'sar, Uldum[26.5, 7.6]
Status Alive

Aaron "Sandy Toes" Williamson is a human reagent vendor located at the Oasis of Vir'sar in Uldum. He is a deserter of Schnottz's crew but still retains their old attire.

Vendor information

In Uldum
Item Cost
5x  [Vanishing Powder] 40s
In Assault in Uldum
Inv inscription 80 acaciapowder.png [Acacia Powder]
Inv skinning 80 ambertanningoil.png [Amber Tanning Oil]
2s 50c
Inv eng chemicalblastingcap.png [Chemical Blasting Cap]
1g 15s
Inv cooking 80 choralhoney.png [Choral Honey]
2g 50s
Inv inscription 80 distilledwater.png [Distilled Water]
2s 50c
Inv misc powder purple.png [Durable Flux]
Inv cooking 80 foosaka.png [Foosaka]
2g 50s
Inv cooking 80 brownpotato.png [Fresh Potato]
2g 50s
Inv offhand 1h draenorchallenge d 01.png [Hypersensitive Azeritometer Sensor]
Inv jewelcrafting delicatecopperwire.png [Insulated Wiring]
Spell misc drink.png [Major's Frothy Coffee]
Inv tailoring 80 nylonthread.png [Nylon Thread]
Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar.png [Powdered Sugar]
2g 50s
Inv misc dust 02.png [Vanishing Powder]
Inv cooking 80 wildberries.png [Wild Berries]
2g 50s
Inv cooking 80 wildflour.png [Wild Flour]
2g 50s




That Schnottz is a madman! I ain't never goin' back!

Buy I wish to browse your wares.

Battle for Azeroth

I'm glad that madman Schnottz is gone. The Wastewanders have been good for Uldum.

Buy I wish to browse your wares.

Patch changes

External links