Reagent vendor

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For a list of reagent vendors see the reagent vendors category

A reagent vendor is an NPC in a city or town who sells reagents, items that are required in order to cast a specific spell or use a specific ability. Casting the spell/ability will consume the reagent.

When using the tracking system with the minimap they will appear with a reagent looking icon (MiniIcon Reagent.png) at their locations.

With the release of Mists of Pandaria reagent vendors now only sell  [Vanishing Powder],  [Dust of Disappearance], and  [Tome of the Clear Mind].


Item Cost
5x  [Vanishing Powder] 40s

Some reagent vendors sell  [Gateway Control Shard].

Reagents of the past

These items were once sold by these vendors:

Name Lvl Cost
 [Ankh] 20s
 [Arcane Powder] 10s
 [Ashwood Seed] 40 8s
 [Corpse Dust] 55 50s
 [Demonic Figurine] 60 1g
 [Devout Candle] 70 20s
 [Flintweed Seed] 70 50s
 [Holy Candle] 48 7s
 [Hornbeam Seed] 50 14s
 [Infernal Stone] 55 50s
 [Ironwood Seed] 60 20s
 [Maple Seed] 2s
 [Rune of Portals] 20s
 [Rune of Teleportation] 10s
 [Sacred Candle] 60 10s
 [Starleaf Seed] 79 70s
 [Symbol of Divinity] 30 20s
 [Symbol of Kings] 60 30s
 [Wild Berries] 50 7s
 [Wild Quillvine] 70 15s
 [Wild Spineleaf] 80 50s
 [Wild Thornroot] 60 10s