A Long Walk

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NeutralA Long Walk

Escorting Sylvanas
Start Uther[52.27, 39.85]
End Arbiter Pelagos[68.4, 49.5]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Zereth Mortis
Previous N [60] Prisoner of Interest
Next N [60] The Fate of Sylvanas


The crowd in the Crucible

Speak to Uther in Oribos to escort Sylvanas to the Enclave, then speak to Tal-Inara to be brought to the Crucible.


The Arbiter awaits us. Though few are allowed within the Crucible, several who hail from Azeroth have been granted permission to bear witness as he passes judgment on Sylvanas.

Yet we are far from the only ones affected by all the carnage Sylvanas has wrought. Her actions have brought pain and suffering to a great many.

Screaming back at the Banshee as she passes might be their only chance to speak their mind. Let them be heard.


Thank you for joining us, my friend.

I felt it important that you be here to witness this moment.


On accept:

Uther says: Come. Let us be on our way.

Talk to Uther again:

Shall we proceed, <name>?
Gossip <Escort Sylvanas to the Enclave.>

Uther and Sylvanas begin walking counterclockwise around the ring before heading into the Enclave. Along the way, the crowd shouts insults at Sylvanas.

Sylvari Artisan says: You defiled our sacred groves!
Apprentice Ritualist says: Torment is all you deserve!
Venthyr Aristocrat says: Your sins are beyond measure!
Kyrian Aspirant says: How many souls have you doomed?!
Orc Soul says: We trusted you! You betrayed us all!
Night Elf Soul says: My home! My family! All burned to ashes!

When they reach the Enclave:

Uther says: Is it justice they seek? Or vengeance?
Sylvanas Windrunner says: Anger and pain make it difficult to tell the difference.

Upon coming up to the Shadowlands Map, both Sylvanas and Uther teleport up to the Crucible. Talk to Tal-Inara to do the same:

Your purpose and ours are entwined it seems.
Gossip Take me to the Crucible.

In the Crucible, a large crowd is gathered in front of the Arbiter, who is now wearing the Crown of Wills. When the player arrives:

Arbiter Pelagos says: The flow of souls into the Maw has ended. The covenants, and the Shadowlands, have been restored. Only one task remains.

The crowd consists of untargetable Onlookers from the covenant races, interspersed with many named characters: Highlord Darion Mograine, Calia Menethil, Lilian Voss, Lor'themar Theron, First Arcanist Thalyssra, Tyrande Whisperwind, Shandris Feathermoon, Maiev Shadowsong, Capheus, Rendle, Anduin Wrynn, Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Thrall, Genn Greymane, Alleria Windrunner, Vereesa Windrunner, Baine Bloodhoof, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, and Taelia Fordragon. Sylvanas and Uther wait at the back of the crowd. A line of Attendant Protectors stand at the front of the crowd, between them and the Arbiter. Projections of the covenant rulers—Kyrestia, the Winter Queen, the Primus, and Renathal—are overseeing the event from atop their pillars, and two Protector Captains are standing guard over the exit portal.


  1. N [60] The Jailer's Defeat
  2. N [60] Prisoner of Interest
  3. N [60] A Long Walk
  4. N [60] The Fate of Sylvanas
  5. N [60] Penance and Renewal

Patch changes

External links