"Numbers" Pfeiffer

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Alliance"Numbers" Pfeiffer
Image of "Numbers" Pfeiffer
Title <Statistics>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Bizmo's Brawlpub, Deeprun Tram
Status Alive

"Numbers" Pfeiffer is a human found in Bizmo's Brawlpub underneath the Deeprun Tram.


Hey there, lucky. You like numbers?
I keep track of all the fights around here. I can tell you how many fights each of the challengers won.
Might come in handy, especially if you wanna... I dunno... predict the winner of one of these fights, for some... monetary benefit. You catch my drift?
Gossip View records for Rank 1-2 bosses.
Rank 1: Bruce: xx-yy, Vian the Volatile: xx-yy, Goredome: xx-yy, Dungeon Master Vishas: xx-yy
Rank 2: Dippy: xx-yy, Kirrawk: xx-yy, Fran & Riddoh: xx-yy, King Kulaka: xx-yy
Gossip View records for Rank 3-4 bosses.
Rank 3: Blat: xx-yy, Sanoriak: xx-yy, Ixx: xx-yy, Mazhareen: xx-yy
Rank 4: Crush: xx-yy, Leona Earthwind: xx-yy, Dominika the Illusionist: xx-yy, Deeken: xx-yy
Gossip View records for Rank 5-6 bosses.
Rank 5: Millie Watt: xx-yy, Fjoll: xx-yy, Proboskus: xx-yy, Leper Gnome Quintet: xx-yy
Rank 6: Yikkan Izu: xx-yy, Akama: xx-yy, Smash Hoofstomp: xx-yy, Unguloxx: xx-yy
Gossip View records for Rank 7-8 bosses.
Rank 7: G.G. Engineering: xx-yy, Dark Summoner: xx-yy, Battletron: xx-yy, Meatball: xx-yy
Rare Challengers:
Epicus Maximus: xx-yy, Disruptron: xx-yy, Millhouse Manastorm: xx-yy, Zen'shar: xx-yy

Patch changes

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