Yikkan Izu

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MobYikkan Izu
Image of Yikkan Izu
Race Dread raven (Beast)
Level 102 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Brawler's Guild

Yikkan Izu alongside Izu's Ravens are the final encounter at Rank 6 in the Brawler's Guild.


  • Ability hunter eagleeye.png Disorienting Shriek 40 yd range — A loud shriek that disorients the target for 6 sec. 4 sec cast. Interruptible
  • Inv feather 02.png Fallen Kin — Angered by the death of his fallen ravens. If Fallen Kin reaches 5 stacks, Yikkan Izu will enrage. Stacking Aura on Yikkan Izu. 2 sec duration
    • Ability eyeoftheowl.png Feathered Fury — Enraged by the death of his fallen ravens. Damage inflicted increased by 300%. Instant. Lasts the rest of the encounter.


This encounter is all about add control. Killing more than five ravens within two seconds will cause Yikkan Izu to go berserk. Adds only have 33,000 health each, so cast a quick Area of Effect spell to take a few of them out at a time, then go back to focusing on the boss.

Yikkan Izu will require roughly 10,500 DPS to beat the enrage timer.


<Announcer> yells: We found this one cawing up a storm in Auchindoun. Give it up for Yikkan Izu!


Patch changes

External links

Yikkan Izu Izu's Raven