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Image of Zosime
Gender Female
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 51-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Ascended
Location Garden of Respite, Bastion
Status Active
Companion(s) Kala (pet)

Zosime is a kyrian who can be found in the Garden of Respite, in Bastion, alongside her larion companion Kala. As part of her trials as an aspirant, maintaining the garden was her first posting. However she struggled with the task since many of the animals in the garden had been driven into a frenzy due to the anima drought, until a Maw Walker sent by Tamesis showed up in the garden.[1] Zosime tasked the Maw Walker with culling some of the frenzied animals[2] and also collecting Kala's toy who had been left behind when they had to escape from the frenzied animals.[3] After that Zosime requested that the Maw Walker aid her in acquiring  [Korinna's Allaying Crook], a staff which had the power to prevent more creatures from succumbing to the anima-starved state, from Korinna's Reliquary. Inside the reliquary, the Maw Walker summoned the Memory of Korina, by ringing the Vesper of Remembrance, who told Zosime to channel her anima into the staff as a test of her courage and hope, while the Maw Walker fended off anima-starved animals who were attracted from the process. While Zosime was successful in her test, Kala swooped in and took the staff thinking that it was her chewing stick, and flew off to her den.[4] The Maw Walker was, however, able to acquire Korinna's staff from Kala shortly after, with no harm done to the overgrown larion cub. Finally in possession of the staff, the Memory of Korinna appeared again before Zosine and declared that she would guide her in the following years in the use of the staff to restore the garden and its creatures.[5]

She was later present at the kyrian reception in the Seat of the Archon, where Nemea offered her advice how to train Kala.[6]




You're a sight for sore eyes. As part of my trials as an aspirant, maintaining this garden is my first posting. It could be going better.

Many of the animals here have been driven into a frenzy due to the anima drought. I need to find a way to restore the balance.

Will you help me?

Gossip What is this place?

The Garden of Respite is a peaceful place to meditate and reflect upon one's challenges. Or at least it used to be. I have every hope it will be again.
The great Korinna created this place for all to enjoy. She was one of the first Ascended. In the beginning, it was Korinna who tamed the creatures of Bastion and brought them tranquility. But now due to the lack of anima, that peace has been shattered and none can come here for repose.
On approach
Kala, behave! No biting this one!

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Beta gossip

Hail, <name>. Kala seems to like you!

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [51-60] Garden in Turmoil
  2. ^ N [51-60] Disturbing the Peace
  3. ^ N [51-60] Distractions for Kala
  4. ^ N [51-60] A Test of Courage
  5. ^ N [51-60] Tough Love
  6. ^ N [60] The Grand Reception

External links