Zom Bocom

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NeutralZom Bocom
Image of Zom Bocom
Title <Honor Quartermaster>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Underbelly, Dalaran[59.7, 57.5]

Zom Bocom is a goblin PvP rewards vendor. He can be found in the Underbelly of Dalaran and is usable by both Horde and Alliance.

He sells last season's gear in exchange for [Honor Points].


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service. Season 10 armor and weapons; Level 85 head and shoulder PvP enchants.

Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.

Item Cost
 [Arcanum of Vicious Agility]
 [Arcanum of Vicious Intellect]
 [Arcanum of Vicious Strength]
 [Greater Inscription of Vicious Agility]
 [Greater Inscription of Vicious Intellect]
 [Greater Inscription of Vicious Strength]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Armbands of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Armbands of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Armplates of Alacrity]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Armplates of Proficiency]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Armwraps of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Armwraps of Alacrity]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Badge of Conquest]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Badge of Dominance]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Badge of Victory]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Band of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Band of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Band of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Barrier]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Baton of Light]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Battle Staff]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Belt of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Belt of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Bindings of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Bindings of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Bonegrinder]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Boots of Alacrity]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Boots of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Bracers of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Bracers of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cape of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Armor]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Leggings]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Spaulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Choker of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Choker of Proficiency]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Clasp of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Clasp of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cloak of Alacrity]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cloak of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cord of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cord of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cuffs of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cuffs of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Cuffs of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Decapitator]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Drape of Diffusion]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Drape of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Drape of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Emblem of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Emblem of Tenacity]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Endgame]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Energy Staff]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Amice]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Cowl]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Handguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Raiment]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Trousers]
Ruthless Gladiator's Fleshslicer
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity]
Ruthless Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Girdle of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Greatsword]
Ruthless Gladiator's Greaves of Alacrity
Ruthless Gladiator's Greaves of Meditation
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Hatchet]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Insignia of Conquest]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Insignia of Dominance]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Insignia of Victory]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Legguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Robes]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Gloves]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Legguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Spaulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Tunic]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Armor]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Leggings]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Spaulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Links of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Links of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Longbow]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Armor]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Leggings]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Spaulders]
Ruthless Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty
Ruthless Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Medallion of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Medallion of Meditation]
Ruthless Gladiator's Medallion of Tenacity
Ruthless Gladiator's Medallion of Tenacity
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Robe]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Necklace of Proficiency]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Chestguard]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Headcover]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Pendant of Alacrity]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Pendant of Diffusion]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Pendant of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Pike]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Legguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Shoulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Redoubt]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Relic of Conquest]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Relic of Dominance]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Relic of Salvation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Relic of Triumph]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Reprieve]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Rifle]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ring of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ring of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Armor]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders]
Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity
Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity
Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty
Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Gloves]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Hood]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Leggings]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Mantle]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Robe]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Legguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Shield Wall]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Shiv]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Amice]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Cowl]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Handguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Robe]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Trousers]
Ruthless Gladiator's Slasher
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Staff]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Touch of Defeat]
Ruthless Gladiator's Treads of Alacrity
Ruthless Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty
Ruthless Gladiator's Treads of Meditation
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Waistband of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Waistband of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Waistguard of Cruelty]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Waistguard of Meditation]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's War Edge]
Ruthless Gladiator's Warboots of Alacrity
Ruthless Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Legguards]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Robes]
 [Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders]



Patch changes


External links