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Image of Zivlix
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nozzlerust Post, Dragonblight
Status Alive

Zivlix is a goblin quest giver found at Nozzlerust Post in the Dragonblight.


  1. N [15-30] Shaved Ice AvailablequestActivequest
  2. N [15-30] Soft Packaging AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [15-30] Something That Doesn't Melt AvailablequestActivequest



If I can make a new war machine, I know I can get a pretty penny for it over at the Wrathgate.

Some of our previous iterations haven't been entirely... stable, but my flying machine should do the trick if I can just develop an effective bomb system for it.

Main article: Something That Doesn't Melt#Notes

Patch changes

External links