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Image of Zissiah
Gender Female
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Devoted
Location Terrace of the Devoted[27.2, 54] and Sanctuary of the Devoted,[27.2, 53.2] Vol'dun
Status Alive

Zissiah is a sethrak quest giver located at the Terrace of the Devoted in Vol'dun. After completion of H [30-60] Break Their Ranks and H [30-60] Push Them Back!, she walks inside the Sanctuary of the Devoted to stand next to Zeriph.



This temple is our last refuge.
Gossip after completing H [30-60] Break Their Ranks and H [30-60] Push Them Back!
Sethraliss will watch over us.
Gossip Who is Sethraliss?
Sethraliss is our beloved loa.
When Mythrax ravaged our lands and threatened to wipe us from existence, it was she who stopped him, giving her life to save ours.
Unlike the Faithless, we still feel her presence, and believe that one day she will be returned to us.
Gossip Who are the Faithless?
The Faithless are a force of militant sethrak, led by Emperor Korthek.
Long ago, we all lived as one, as Sethraliss would have wanted.
Since Korthek's betrayal, the Faithless have brought war upon these lands.
They will not stop until they have conquered the world.
Gossip Who is Korthek?
He calls himself Emperor Korthek, but long ago he was one of the Keepers, entrusted to protect the tomb.
His hunger for war goes against everything our loa stands for, yet he denounces and defies her by raising an army that plans to conquer all of Zuldazar.
Gossip Who are the Keepers?
The Keepers were the most powerful among us, charged with sealing Mythrax's corpse within the great pyramid.
Sulthis was the founder, but he could not seal the tomb alone.
He asked Vorrik and Korthek for their help, and together, they cast a barrier around the great pyramid, sealing the corpse of Mythrax within.

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