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Image of Xy'nam
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Xy
Location Grand Menagerie, Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
Status Alive

Xy'nam is a broker located in the Grand Menagerie in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. He is one of the auctioneers, alongside Xy'noc, who run the place.


When entering the Grand Menagerie:

Xy'noc says: Now for the item you have all been awaiting! The allegedly demon-cursed Edge of Oblivion!
Xy'noc says: We'll start the bidding at five thousand! Do I hear five thousand? I hear five! Six thousand? Yes! Six!
Al'dalil says: Cartel Xy has a profitable venture. Hopefully this inclines them to aid our own.
Venza Goldfuse says: What I need is a distraction. The kind with sharp teeth.

Venza teleports to the auctioneer stand and releases Alcruux.

Xy'noc says: Wait! How did that beast escape from its cage?!

Gathered brokers disperse.

Xy'nam says: Cartel Xy is not responsible for any loss of limb that occurs during this demonstration!

While fighting Alcruux:

Xy'noc says: Are rampaging beasts ruining your day? We have the solution!
Xy'noc says: Watch as my assistant activates this Bastion Centurion for maximum destruction!
Xy'nam says: With controls this easy, even a dredger could do it!
Achillite says: I am awakened! DESTROY... EVERYONE!
Xy'noc says: Imbecile! Turn it off!
Xy'nam says: It is out of control!
Xy'noc says: Thank you all, that concludes our demonstration!

After defeating all the Alcruux, Achilles and Venza Goldfuse:

Xy'noc says: You saved our menagerie! Well... what is left of it.
Al'dalil says: A simple matter. In return, we ask only for Cartel Xy's signature.
Xy'noc says: Our signature is a fair trade, especially if it results in your departure.

Patch changes

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