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Image of Xeleth
Race Observer (Demon)
Level 10-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Zangarmarsh [16, 39.7]

Xeleth is an observer that can be found in Zangarmarsh. He only appears after someone plants the  [Imbued Silver Spear] into the Portal Clearing in western Zangarmarsh. This is done as the objective for the quest N [25-30] Against All Odds.

Xeleth was once worshipped as a god by primitive swamp creatures in Zangarmarsh. When Draenor was nearly destroyed, he retreated into a slumber deep beneath Marshlight Lake. He wears a scar made by the  [Imbued Silver Spear], caused by the demon hunter Altruis the Sufferer.

Objective of


When summoned
Who disturbs my slumber? That spear... I still carry the scar!

Patch changes

External links