World of Warcraft Movie Contest: Rise to Power

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Alienware Movie Contest.jpg

The World of Warcraft Movie Contest: Rise to Power was a movie contest that started on December 22, 2009 and ended on January 31, 2010. It was sponsored by Alienware.


Are you an aspiring filmmaker? If so, you've come to the right place! The World of Warcraft Rise to Power Movie Contest, sponsored by Alienware, is an excellent way for you to show off your talents. We're looking for players to produce movies set in Azeroth, focusing on the rise to power of your favorite villain, hero, or even yourself.

The content requirements for the movies are open-ended, as long as the movies are created in-game.

Update: The Rise to Power contest’s call was heard by some worthy individuals who provided us with the tales of ascension we requested. Their cinematic mastery, backed by storytelling expertise, has earned them the recognition they so richly deserve.

We congratulate Xcross, Olibith, Baron Soosdon and Frozen DK & Erunno as our Grand Prize winners. Each will receive $2,400 credit towards an All Powerful Alienware desktop or laptop. Don’t hesitate and watch our four winning submissions now!



Honorable Mentions

Other Videos

Sequels and reuploads


From the Contest page
  1. The Contest ran from December 22, 2009 to January 31, 2010. All entries must be received by the Deadline to be eligible to win a prize. . The winners will be announced on by February to March, 2010. Four winners will win a prize consisting of one $2,400 gift credit that can be used to purchase an Alienware desktop or laptop.
  2. Files:
    1. The movie file should be submitted in either .wmv, .avi or .mov format.
    2. Files must not exceed 100Mb in size nor shall they be longer than three (3) minutes in duration.
    3. All entries must be submitted via this submission page.
  3. A maximum of five submissions per entrant will be allowed.
  4. Digital animation tools that are unavailable through World of Warcraft may be used to create animations for the movie, but shall be limited to character facial expressions, poses, or gestures.
  5. All lyrics or voice over tracks that may be incorporated into the movie shall be in the English language, and shall not feature explicit or obscene language.
  6. All music featured in the movie must either be the entrant’s original musical composition and performance, or music from a Blizzard product.
  7. Please check our full terms for this contest for more details.


  1. ^ Michael Gray 2010-03-17. WoW Moviewatch: Welcome to the Deadmines. Retrieved on 2018-04-14.

External links