Working with Purpose

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AllianceWorking with Purpose
Start Overseer Hajeer
End Overseer Hajeer
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Nazjatar
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Waveblade Ankoan
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [50] Scouting Undercover
Next A [50] We Can't Have Dull Weapons
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [50] Working with Purpose.


Collect 6 Iridescent Pearls from Chittershell Clams.


It seems the Shirakess are never satisfied with the number of pearls we source for them. They're always demanding more.

Before you came along, it was my job to crawl around the cavern, cracking open clams.

So you see, you have some purpose, other than being a mindless sack of flesh.


You will receive:


Do you have them all?


Eager to please, aren't you?


On return
Overseer Hajeer says: Ah look, you managed to keep your limbs!


  1. A [50] Create Your Own Strength
  2. A [50] The Lost Shaman
  3. A [50] Elemental Fury & A [50] Rescue The Farseer
  4. A [50] A Tempered Blade
  5. A [50] A Worthy Ally & A [50] A Brief Respite
  6. A [50] Insight into Our Enemies
  7. A [50] Deteriorating Knowledge & A [50] Bound by Honor
  8. A [50] What We Know of the Naga
  9. A [50] Scouting Undercover
  10. A [50] Sating Snapdragons & A [50] Working with Purpose
  11. A [50] We Can't Have Dull Weapons
  12. A [50] Stealing the Naga's Secrets
  13. A [50] Sea Slug Liquidation & A [50] Coveted Crystals
  14. A [50] Let the Residue Lead You
  15. A [50] Clearing Out the Cache

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