Sating Snapdragons (Horde)

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HordeSating Snapdragons
Start Overseer Hajeer
End Overseer Hajeer
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Nazjatar
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 The Unshackled
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous H [50] Scouting Undercover
Next H [50] We Can't Have Dull Weapons
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [50] Sating Snapdragons.


Collect  [Chitterspine Roe] and feed it to Savage Snapdragons.


It's time for the snapdragons to feed, but it's a job best left to someone a little more expendable.

The beasts will eat anything, including your arm if you don't move it away quickly enough.

Luckily for you, they've developed a taste for Chitterspine Roe.


You will receive:


Don't come back here until you've finished your task.


I'm surprised they didn't make a meal out of you.


On return
Overseer Hajeer says: Ah look, you managed to keep your limbs!


  1. H [50] Create Your Own Strength
  2. H [50] Settling In
  3. H [50] Scouting the Pens
  4. H [50] Save A Friend
  5. H [50] Becoming a Friend & H [50] Down Into Nazjatar
  6. H [50] Insight into Our Enemies
  7. H [50] Deteriorating Knowledge & H [50] The Price is Death
  8. H [50] What We Know of the Naga
  9. H [50] Scouting Undercover
  10. H [50] Sating Snapdragons & H [50] Working with Purpose
  11. H [50] We Can't Have Dull Weapons
  12. H [50] Stealing the Naga's Secrets
  13. H [50] Sea Slug Liquidation & H [50] Coveted Crystals
  14. H [50] Let the Residue Lead You
  15. H [50] Clearing Out the Cache

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