Burstcap Mushrooms, Mon!

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HordeBurstcap Mushrooms, Mon!
Start Witch Doctor Tor'gash
End Witch Doctor Tor'gash
Level 10-30
Category Zangarmarsh
Experience 10750
Reputation +250 Darkspear Trolls
Rewards 3g 10s
Next H [10-30] Have You Ever Seen One of These?


Bring Witch Doctor Tor'gash 6 Burstcap Mushrooms.


You like mushrooms, mon? There be a powerful one here in Zangarmarsh, growin' real close to Zabra'jin.

You gotta be careful, though, mon. They be callin' it the burstcap for a reason. If you be gettin' too close without takin' the proper precautions, it'll blow right up on you! Poof! Right into a cloud o' toxic spores.

I been usin' them for readin' the omens, but they be almost gone now.


You will receive:


Have you got the mushrooms, mon?


These be excellent, mon!

I'll tell you what. Since you been a good sport and helped with the mushrooms, I'll let you in on the fun!


  1. H [10-30] Burstcap Mushrooms, Mon!
  2. H [10-30] Have You Ever Seen One of These?

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