Who Are You?

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NeutralWho Are You?
Start Scalecommander Emberthal[29.4, 49.7]
End Scalecommander Emberthal[29.4, 49.7]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 9,500
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70] Identity Crisis
Next N [70] Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time & N [70] Gather Your Rosebuds


Speak with 9 Valdrakken Visitors in Valdrakken.


Perhaps Cinderthresh[sic] is right.

Still, if I'm to pick a visage, I should at least give it some thought.

I just do not fully understand the concept of visage forms.

I have heard that visage is supposed to be ones own expression of self.

How does one discover what that is?

Maybe some of the individuals here in Valdrakken hold the answers.

<Name>, I need you to gather intel. I will remain here. Report back your findings when you are finished.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 9,500 XP


Have you completed your reconnaissance yet?


Interesting... These are quite the varied answers.


Nine visitors are all over Valdrakken.


Speak with Claretta and Taellyn in the opposite corner:


I feel ill at ease without my scales.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

I know my companion does not agree, but I find my visage form inconvenient.

Scales, teeth, wings, and tail. I feel so exposed without them. I am a dracthyr.

When I am in visage, I cannot reach anything!

My truest self is who I am. Who I always present.

There are advantages to a visage, but none could capture my elegance or ferocity.


This 'hair' stuff is really fun!

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

How did I find myself? Truly, my visage feels like my realest self. Odd isn't it?

When I first claimed my visage form, I knew immediately.

I'm just able to be me. Not a solider[sic], not a dracthyr. Just Taellyn.

And this hairstyle thing? It's to die for! You can change it up whenever you want, daily even!

Doria Ravenblight and Stalvin Dawnburst are just outside the building:

Doria Ravenblight

I have found myself in undeath.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

I barely remember who I was in life. She seems like a different person, now.

This form is who I am now. I do not use the same name that I used while living. I have changed too much.

I used to resent it. To be truthful, I still do. I long for my beating heart. I pine for the warmth of my blood. I hated myself. Or at least that's what I thought.

I did not hate myself. I resented my inability to choose. That right was stolen from me. I still dream of who I could have been.

However, I realize that holding on to what I could have been would only continue to stifle who I am. It would not be my life, but that of a stranger.

Stalvin Dawnburst

I gave up what I must to protect those I love.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

I am who I always was.

My duty in life has remained the same--to protect those I hold dear to me.

As a means to this end, I embraced the fel. I sacrificed my eyes. My soul. I let demonic energies warp my very being, but Stalvin is still here.

My family was not so understanding. They cannot see past the changes. In their eyes, their son passed long ago.

They need not mourn. Can they not see I did this for them?

Varden Claridge and Netheril Swiftstream are between the Food Court and Skinning stall:

Varden Claridge

Despite it all, I am still Varden.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

I used to think I was only my human form. How could I be myself as some hairy mongrel?

I refused to call myself a worgen. I told myself it was nothing but a curse I never chose!

But I dreamed of hunting. I could smell the freshness of the forest breeze. I could no longer deny who I became. It was time for me to embrace it.

I am Varden Claridge. I am a worgen. I did not choose this, but I do accept it.

Netheril Swiftstream

The pack comes above all else.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

The definition of self is forever changing. If you asked me who I was before this curse, I would have said a fierce protector of my people. I would have gone to any lengths to ensure they were safe--and I went too far. Yet after hundreds of years of mindless animal instinct, the me that you see now is not the one that once existed.

The years I have lost...

I have found myself through the lens of humility. A druid that no longer seeks to fight, but to teach. To teach future generations the danger of arrogance.

Who am I now? A worgen, and a teacher.

Head to the central area to find Leariah Nightspear sitting on a bench:

Leariah Nightspear

The void is part of all of us.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

It is a constant battle to find myself, everyday.

Many new ren'dorei are concerned about losing themselves when they first embrace the void. And indeed, it can be a difficult task to decipher your own thoughts from the shadows.

I can no more separate myself from the void than a fish from water, but I no longer fear it.

Yes, it has changed me, but when I look back on former self, I see that the void was always present.

I have changed very little.

Orgon Warpchain is in the Sapphire Enclave:

Orgon Warpchain

There can be no brawn without brains.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

I am a warrior and a scholar.

These two identities need not be mutually exclusive. I enjoy dusty tomes just as much as bloodied skulls.

I used to hide this from my comrades! I feared they would not understand.

This was not the case, however. My clan laughed at my hesitation, saying they knew all along about my secret reading hobby.

Now I need not limit myself to Orgon the Warrior any longer.

I am more than that.

The Emerald Enclave has Mova, Xannda Keenbluff, and Pella Keenbluff:


Pella says I'm not 'opposed to talk to strangers!

Xannda Keenbluff

Mova keeps our hands full most days.

She is the light of our lives, though sometimes I do wish our family shed a little less.

It is an enormous task keeping our home clean and free of fur-bunnies.

Pella Keenbluff

My family is everything to me.

Gossip (Quest) How did you find your truest self?

I view myself through the lens of my family.

Xannda and I found Mova when she was an infant. Abandoned and helpless, we were her only hope.

Looking back, before Mova, I had so many worries. So many meaningless and unimportant things that filled my days with stress.

In motherhood, I have found serenity. Mova dwarfed all those worries, eclipsed all the stress. She taught me what is truly important to me.

My truest self is my family.


After speaking with all nine characters, return to Emberthal:

Scalecommander Emberthal

I'm not sure I understand what goes into choosing a visage form...

Gossip (Quest) <Report your findings to Emberthal.>

What have you learned about identity?

  • Gossip Identity is something you choose.
Who taught you this lesson?
Netheril was able to choose his identity as a worgen, whereas others were not?
To go to such lengths as he, Netheril must have been very certain of his identity.
So certain in fact, that he risked not only his, but others' lives for it.
The feral form of the pack form before the Druids of the Scythe were able to procure the Scythe of Elune was incredibly dangerous. They lost themselves and became as animals.
I am happy that he has finally achieved his goal, and that he no longer has to fear his own power.
I do not feel kinship with his plight.
  • Gossip <Tell Emberthal about Stalvin Dawnburst, the demon hunter.>
Such bravery, to undergo such brutal initiation with the knowledge of its outcome.
You speak of him as a protector of others. I am able to relate.
However, I do not need to seek out demonic deals in order to protect those I care about.
In fact, a visage form would make me less able to defend myself and others.
Perhaps Stalvin has a point.
  • Gossip <Tell Emberthal about Leariah Nighspear, the void elf.>
An elf, freely embracing the power of the void? Strange times have come to Azeroth, indeed.
I admire the certainty with which she defends her decision. Such a choice never comes without a price.
She has found a community of others like her, albeit at the spurn of her family.
I do not believe my choice will come with such grave consequences.
  • Gossip Identity is the sum of one's experiences.
Who taught you this lesson?
  • Gossip <Tell Emberthal about Varden Claridge, a worgen from Gilneas.>
Varden did not get to choose his fate.
He has made the most out of an unfortunate situation. I do not believe I could display such restraint when speaking to the parties responsible.
He has made peace with this part of himself that has troubled him over so many years. A part of him he had no choice in.
To live with such self-hatred must not be easy.
I do not feel that way about myself. Varden has little to offer me in the way of advice.
  • Gossip <Tell Emberthal about Doria Ravenblight, the death knight.>
To lose one's entire being, only to have it raised in service of one as cruel as the Lich King. I could not wish such a fate on anyone.
Doria shows resilience. She has triumphed and made a new life for herself.
She had no memories of who she was before.
How can she be so sure she knows who she is now?
  • Gossip Identity is who you surround yourself with.
Who taught you this lesson?
Gossip <Tell Emberthal about Pella Keenbluff, the tauren and her family.>
Pah. Motherhood.
It is a path walked by many, but not one I seek out for myself.
Palla may have think she has found a way to lessen her worries, but I disagree.
It would seem adding another to care for would add more stress, not less.
Some may find solace in the identity of motherhood, that is true.
However, I am trying to uncover my true self. I am not trying to find a new niche to fill.
I am quite happy with how things are.
  • Gossip Identity is defined by your preferences.
Who taught you this lesson?
  • Gossip <Tell Emberthal about Taellyn and Claretta, the pair of dracthyr in the Victorious Visage.>
Those two hatchlings in the corner? What could they possibly have to teach me about visage forms?
Though, it is a different way of approaching the problem. Practicality.
I agree with Claretta. I see no need of a visage form if it will leave me defenseless.
Perhaps they did have something to teach me after all.
  • Gossip <Tell Emberthal about Orgon Warpchain, a warrior who loves to read.>
His clan is so close-minded that they would have ridiculed him for the pursuit of knowledge?
Perhaps he may base his identity off of something so minute, but I cannot.
None of my interests are particularly divisive or unusual.
If I lack that, do I lack the qualities necessary for a visage form in the first place?

Choosing any option then yields:

Gossip <Ask Emberthal what she plans to do.>

This fulfills the quest objectives and opens the quest complete window.


On complete:

Scalecommander Emberthal says: I remain unsatisfied by these answers. It is fortunate that they know themselves, but I possess none of the qualities they espoused.
Scalecommander Emberthal says: I fear I am now more unsure than ever. Excuse me, <name>.
Scalecommander Emberthal walks away.
Scalecommander Viridia says: Emberthal, wait!
Scalecommander Cindrethresh teleports in with Kalecgos.

Kalecgos has new gossip:

A visage celebration requires a dragon's touch.

Gossip What was Chromie's Visage Day like?

Chromie came to me looking for guidance about her visage form, not unlike Emberthal is doing now.

It was the first time I had met Chromie, and she was a far cry from the confident, snappy gnome you're familiar with.

She agonized over her decision, asking many different dragons why they had chosen the visage they had.

I told her the truth. I prefer to spend my time around mortals, and this form allows us to be peers. Equals.

We were all so very excited when it came time for the ceremony.

I must admit, it was not what anyone was expecting, but it is uniquely Chromie. I think it suits her perfectly.


  1. N [70] Identity Crisis
  2. N [70] Who Are You?
  3. N [70] Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time & N [70] Gather Your Rosebuds
  4. N [70] Dragon Isles Adventuring: Being Yourself
  5. N [70] Keeping a Close Tabard


  • Based on their title, Klaxx and Grodd Eagermaul were seemingly planned to be involved.

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