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What She Saw

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NeutralWhat She Saw
Start Dagran Thaurissan II
End Dagran Thaurissan II
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 13,600
Rewards 46g 80s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] Find the Foreman
Next N [73-75] The High Speaker's Secret
A vision of High Speaker Eirich and Xal'atath


Investigate the gem left by the skardyn

  • Gem examined
  • Memory viewed


What is that? That thing the skardyn dropped before we -- before it died.

I think I've seen something like that before.


You will receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 13,600 XP


I think I know what that gem is...


Oh. Oh. This is a big deal, isn't it?

The foreman traveled back to Taelloch with her memory gem. After seeing what she saw... she tried to warn the others, but she couldn't stop her transformation. She sealed herself in the cave, but her corruption still spread.

And the High Speaker knew what would happen. The High Speaker is behind all of this. We've got to warn Brinthe. We've got to warn the world.


The Memory Gem

The Memory Gem is on the edge of the pool of water just below where Kol Bruncrag was standing. Interact with it to watch a script event play out:

High Speaker Eirich says: You speak the truth? Your artifact will repair the Awakening Machine?
Xal'atath says: It will perfect the Machine, Your struggle, your suffering Will be at an end. All will awaken... because Of you.
High Speaker Eirich says: Because of me...
Xaratath says: [CUT, DO NOT RECORD] is there a price you wouldn't pay?
Xal'atath says: Your people will be restored. Reborn. Improved. And they will laud you as their savior.
High Speaker Eirich says: Yes... yes! All earthen will awaken!


  1. N [73-75] A Wrench in the Works
  2. N [73-75] The Tunnel's End
  3. N [73-75] We Don't Go to Taelloch
  4. N [73-75] Ghost of a Company Town
  5. N [73-75] Controlled Demolition & N [73-75] The Truth in Chalk
  6. N [73-75] Buried in Stone
  7. N [73-75] Find the Foreman
  8. N [73-75] What She Saw
  9. N [73-75] The High Speaker's Secret

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