Wet Work!

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Not to be confused with H [7-30] Wet Work.
HordeWet Work!
Start Horde Water Barrel
End Automatic
Level 85 (Requires 85)
Category Jade Forest
Experience 86750
Previous H [85] The General's Edge
Next H [85] Sixteen Fluid Ounces of Prevention


Collect 5 Water Globules from Ethereal Lake and combine them with the Horde Barrel.


If there are any other Alliance in the region, the smoky fires from your crash will lead them right to you and what remains of your crew.

If only there were an efficient way to extinguish the flames...

This barrel seems to have survived the catastrophe intact. Perhaps it's still water-tight.

Only one way to find out!


You marvel at how light the barrel of water feels. There's clearly something special about those water globules.


Now, to attend those fires...


  1. H [85] The Art of War
  2. H [85] Into the Mists
  3. H [85] The General's Edge
  4. Complete all of the following:

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