My Stars!

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HordeMy Stars!
Start Kiryn's Pouch
End Kiryn
Level 86 (Requires 85)
Category Jade Forest
Experience 110,000
Rewards Item level 384 rings
9g 80s
Previous H [10-35] Regroup!
Next H [10-35] Forensic Science


Collect 30 of Kiryn's Throwing Stars from Devious Wood Sprites.


A number of Kiryn's articles have been scattered around the area by wood sprites, but this one stands out as important to you.

The bag once hung from her waist, loaded with throwing stars. Without them, her arsenal will be considerably diminished.

If you were to revtrieve the weapons from the pests that inhabit this region, your party's chances of survival would only increase.


Inv misc questionmark.png Anduin's Ring Inv misc questionmark.png Spirebound Band
Inv misc questionmark.png Seer's Stone Ring Inv misc questionmark.png Band of Visions
Inv misc questionmark.png Whitepaw Band

You will also receive: 9g 80s


I'm glad you found me back there, <class>. I was beginning to think I was the only survivor.


My stars!

You have good instincts, <name>. Of all my missing belongings, these are going to help us the most.


  1. H [85] The Art of War
  2. H [85] Into the Mists
  3. H [85] The General's Edge
  4. Complete all of the following:

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