Westfall Stew (Classic 2)

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For the current quest, see A [5-30] Westfall Stew.
AllianceWestfall Stew
Start Salma Saldean
End Salma Saldean
Level 13 (Requires 9)
Category Westfall
Experience 900
Reputation +62 Darnassus
+62 Exodar
+62 Gnomeregan
+62 Ironforge
+156 Stormwind
Rewards 3x  [Westfall Stew],
 [Recipe: Westfall Stew],
 [Salma's Oven Mitts] and  [Sharp Kitchen Knife]
Previous A [10] Westfall Stew


Salma Saldean wants 3 Stringy Vulture Meat, 3 Goretusk Snouts, 3 Murloc Eyes, 3 Okra.


Help me make some Westfall Stew! Come back with the following ingredients:

3 Stringy Vulture Meat
3 Goretusk Snouts
3 Murloc Eyes
3 Okra


You will receive:
Inv misc bowl 01.png 3x [Westfall Stew] Inv scroll 03.png [Recipe: Westfall Stew]
Inv gauntlets 06.png [Salma's Oven Mitts] Inv weapon shortblade 14.png [Sharp Kitchen Knife]


Come back with the following ingredients:

3 Stringy Vulture Meat
3 Goretusk Snouts
3 Murloc Eyes
3 Okra


That Okra will thicken up this broth nicely! Now we just add the Stringy Vulture Meat, a few Murloc Eyes and those delicious Goretusk Snouts. And we're done! For all your help, <name>, I want you to take today's first batch of Westfall Stew!


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