Wendel Mathers

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NeutralWendel Mathers
Image of Wendel Mathers
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 25
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Kurzen's Compound, Stranglethorn Vale
Status Alive

Wendel Mathers is found in a cage in the tower of Kurzen's Compound in Stranglethorn Vale. He can be freed using both the  [Compound Cage Key] and the  [Kurzen Fighter's Uniform].


Initial gossip

<The young man in the cage is wracked with panic. He doesn't even notice you.>


Hey! You! You have to help me! I was just out exploring the jungle when, all of a sudden, I was ambushed by these maniacs! I don't know what they plan to do with me, but I've heard talk of tigers and headshrinkers, and I don't want part in either!

One of the higher-ups might have a key or something. Maybe you could filch it from them?

You have to get me out of here! Please!

Gossip Good news, I've got the key.

That's great but, even with the key, I can't exactly walk out of here. I'm not fighting my way out either! These barbarians'll cut me to bits!

Gossip You can use this uniform as a disguise.

Alright! Now we're talking. You've really saved my hide, <name>. Thank you.

Listen, I can't repay you right now, but I'm a cook on Captain Aransas' ship. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you when I get back to Booty Bay. You should speak to the captain when you get the chance. I'm sure she'll be grateful to have me back.

Gossip Let's get you out of here.

Patch changes

External links

Imprisoned Escaped