Warlord Zothix

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MobWarlord Zothix
Image of Warlord Zothix
Gender Male
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 30-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Terrace of the Devoted, Vol'dun[30, 52.6]
Status Killable

Warlord Zothix is a sethrak vignette located at the eastern center of the Terrace of the Devoted in Vol'dun. He appears to be the leader of the Faithless assault on the terrace.


  • Ability thunderking lightningwhip.png Arc Lightning — The caster cuts through the air in front of them, releasing latent electricity in a cone. Players caught in this cone suffer Nature damage.
  • Spell shaman maelstromweapon.png Conductive Blades — Throws a series of lightning-infused blades at nearby enemies, inflicting Nature damage at each impact point. Additionally, the blades remain for 6 sec, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies within 3 yards every 1 sec.
  • Spell nature lightningshield.png Electrified Scales — The caster infuses their scales with static electricity. Any enemy that lands an attack on the caster suffers Nature damage.


The temple must fall! We will slaughter any who stand in our way.
You cannot stop... the sands...


Objective of

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See also

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