WANTED: Za'roco

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HordeWANTED: Za'roco
Start Wanted: Za'roco
End Razgaji
Level 30-60
Type Group (3)
Category Vol'dun
Experience 24,680 (at level 110)
Reputation +250 Voldunai
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115x [Azerite])
58g 20s (at level 110)
Previous H [30-60] Mojambo


Find and kill Za'roco the Grifter.

  • Za'roco the Grifter slain


To any with honor and a sharp blade:

Find and kill the thief, Za'roco.

Those that betray their fellow exile[sic] don't deserve to live.

Any who can cross his name off this list will earn a fitting reward.

("Za'roco the Grifter: Known liar and thief.")


You will receive:


There is supposed ta be honor among exiles. Za'roco has none.


Za'roco got what he deserved, and now, so will you.


Za'roco is in a hollow at Zul'Ahjin to the east.[46.8, 72.8] Interrupt his Corruption and turn away from him when he casts Mask of Fear in order to negate its effect.


  1. H [30-60] Seeking Shelter
  2. H [30-60] I've Got Your Back
  3. Complete all of:
    1. H [30-60] Mystery Meat & H [30-60] Vol'duni Fried Chicken
    2. H [30-60] The Chef's Apprentice
    3. H [30-60] Savage Saurolisks & H [30-60] They Might Be Delicious
    1. H [30-60] Alpacas Gone Wild & H [30-60] Snarltooth's Last Laugh
  4. H [30-60] Liquid Motivation
  5. H [30-60] Bandit Blades & H [30-60] Stolen Goods & H [30-60] Tongo
  6. H [30-60] Arming the Tribe
  7. H [30-60] Mojambo
  8. Optional followups:

Patch changes

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