Wasteland Survivor

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HordeWasteland Survivor
Start Backpack
End Razgaji
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 16,450 (at level 110)
Reputation +75 Voldunai
Rewards 19g 40s (at level 110)


Collect 10 Scavenged Supplies.


<The leather has become dry and cracked in the sun, but the supplies inside are mostly intact.

It's unknown what gruesome death befell the backpack's former owner, but supplies like these are in high demand among the outcasts.

The desert has claimed many lives... perhaps there are more supplies to be found among the dunes.>


You will receive:


What do you have for me?


I see you made a scavenging run and came back alive!

We will put these supplies to good use among the tribe. You have my thanks.


 [Scavenged Supplies] are looted from Backpacks and Supply Pouches around the nearby area.


  1. H [30-60] Seeking Shelter
  2. H [30-60] I've Got Your Back
  3. Complete all of:
    1. H [30-60] Mystery Meat & H [30-60] Vol'duni Fried Chicken
    2. H [30-60] The Chef's Apprentice
    3. H [30-60] Savage Saurolisks & H [30-60] They Might Be Delicious
    1. H [30-60] Alpacas Gone Wild & H [30-60] Snarltooth's Last Laugh
  4. H [30-60] Liquid Motivation
  5. H [30-60] Bandit Blades & H [30-60] Stolen Goods & H [30-60] Tongo
  6. H [30-60] Arming the Tribe
  7. H [30-60] Mojambo
  8. Optional followups:

Patch changes

External links