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WANTED: Tojek (Horde)

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HordeWANTED: Tojek
Start Scouting Report
End Rovash the One Eyed
Level 20-60
Type Group (3)
Category Nazmir
Experience 24,700 XP
Reputation +250 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115x [Azerite])
58g 20s
Shareable Yes
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [35-60G3] WANTED: Tojek.


Hunt down Tojek.

  • Tojek slain
  • Suggested players: 3


<This appears to be a list of threats in the immediate vicinity, a[sic] angry scribble grabs your attention.>

A reward of gold be promised to de one dat slays da creature Tojek. You know what dey say, an eye for an eye!



You will receive:




Hah! He be dead? Really? Dat be wonderful!

Here be your reward, you earned it!


  • It was named A Dire Problem during alpha.

Patch changes

External links

es:Misión:SE BUSCA: Tojek (Horda)