WANTED: The Crimson Cutthroats (Horde)

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HordeWANTED: The Crimson Cutthroats
Start Wanted Poster
End Cesi Loosecannon
Level 35-60
Type Group (3)
Category Drustvar
Experience 26,800
Reputation +250 The Honorbound
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115x [Azerite])
70g 20s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-60G3] WANTED: The Crimson Cutthroats.


The Crimson Cutthroats
Slay The Crimson Cutthroats

Slay the Crimson Cutthroats near Falconhurst.


For numerous and sinister crimes against the Lord Admiral: smuggling, forgery, sailing under false colors, looting, poaching, brigandage, sacking, pillaging, vandalism, impersonating Kul Tiran Naval officers, arson, kidnapping, torture, piracy, perjury, theft and ransacking multiple mead shipments.

A reward is placed on the heads of The Crimson Cutthroats to be paid in full upon proof of their demise.


You will receive:


Ugh. That lot. Glad someone finally took care of them.


I tell ya I ain't sad to see that group go.

I know you're not on exactly friendly terms with the Kul Tirans so how's about I front you the reward money and then use my connections to get the reward. Sound good?

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