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WANTED: Jabra'kan

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HordeWANTED: Jabra'kan
Start Wanted: Poacher
End Wingrider Nivek
Level 10-60
Type Group (3)
Category Zuldazar
Experience 24,680
Reputation +250 Zandalari Empire
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115 AP)
70g 20s
Previous H [10-60] Direhorn Daycare & H [10-60] Ravenous Landsharks
Next H [10-60] Wings for the Kraal & H [10-60] DGH: Now With Real Direhorn


Slay Jabra'kan the Poacher.


To any hunters worthy of the challenge:

Find and defeat the troll known as Jabra'kan. His poaching ways have robbed Warbeast Kraal of valuable eggs, hides, and beasts for their pens.

Seek out Wingrider Nivek for your reward.


You will receive:


If I see dat thieving wretch, I will wear his tusks for a necklace. Is it done?


You have my thanks. He was a slippery one, dat poacher.




  1. H [10-60] The Missing Handler
  2. H [10-60] The Orphaned Hatchling
  3. H [10-60] Direhorn Daycare & H [10-60] Ravenous Landsharks
  4. H [10-60] Headbutting 101, H [10-60] Direhorn Growth Hormone, H [10-60G3] WANTED: Jabra'kan & H [10-60] Queenfeather
  5. H [10-60] Wings for the Kraal & H [10-60] DGH: Now With Real Direhorn
  6. H [10-60] Growing Pains
  7. H [10-60] How to Train Your Direhorn
  8. H [10-60] A Good Spanking
  9. H [10-60] Naptime
  10. H [50] Side Effects May Include...
  11. H [50] Alchemy is an Inexact Science
  12. H [50] Held For Observation
  13. H [50] An Unending Sleep
  14. H [50] A Loa Without a Temple
  15. H [50] A Show of Faith
  16. H [50] Sleep, Eat, Repeat
  17. For approximately 15 days, each day one of the following daily quests is available:

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