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Side Effects May Include...

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HordeSide Effects May Include...
Start Direhorn Juvenile
End Beastlord L'kala
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Zuldazar
Experience 1,790
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous H [10-60] Naptime
Next H [50] Alchemy is an Inexact Science


Speak to Beastlord L'kala in Warbeast Kraal.


<Your direhorn companion hiccoughs repeatedly. Each time, it either shrinks or grows by a perceptible amount. It whines at you in distress.

You could use some help.>


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,790 XP


I knew it was a bad idea to trust this small green mon.




  1. H [10-60] The Missing Handler
  2. H [10-60] The Orphaned Hatchling
  3. H [10-60] Direhorn Daycare & H [10-60] Ravenous Landsharks
  4. H [10-60] Headbutting 101, H [10-60] Direhorn Growth Hormone, H [10-60G3] WANTED: Jabra'kan & H [10-60] Queenfeather
  5. H [10-60] Wings for the Kraal & H [10-60] DGH: Now With Real Direhorn
  6. H [10-60] Growing Pains
  7. H [10-60] How to Train Your Direhorn
  8. H [10-60] A Good Spanking
  9. H [10-60] Naptime
  10. H [50] Side Effects May Include...
  11. H [50] Alchemy is an Inexact Science
  12. H [50] Held For Observation
  13. H [50] An Unending Sleep
  14. H [50] A Loa Without a Temple
  15. H [50] A Show of Faith
  16. H [50] Sleep, Eat, Repeat
  17. For approximately 15 days, each day one of the following daily quests is available:

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