WANTED: Anchorface

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NeutralWANTED: Anchorface
Start Wanted Poster
End Cesi Loosecannon
Level 20-60
Type Group (3)
Category Drustvar
Experience 24,680
Reputation +250 Order of Embers or The Honorbound
Rewards 115x [Azerite]
70g 20s
Previous A [20-60] Out With the Old Boss


Slay Anchorface in the waters near Anyport.


Kill the blasted shark that ate me legs! And me crew! And me boat - even the anchor!

He's been swimming around in the sea, looking for his next meal. Kill 'im.

I've left a reward with Cesi Loosecannon if you do.

<The poster is signed 'Captain Slagbolt'>


You will receive:


Oh, did you kill that shark that almost got Ole Slaggy?


Nicely done! Here's the reward Slagbolt left. When he comes in to port next he'll be glad to see that shark gone.


  1. A [20-60] An Economic Opportunity
  2. A [20-60] Cutthroat Business Practices & A [20-60] She's Got it Where it Counts
  3. A [20-60] Out With the Old Boss

Optional follow-ups:

Patch changes

External links