She's Got it Where it Counts

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AllianceShe's Got it Where it Counts
Start Klause Fairwind
End Klause Fairwind
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 16,450
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [20-60] An Economic Opportunity
Next A [20-60] Out With the Old Boss


Free Miranda the falcon.


Word is you're looking to drum up support for Loosecannon. Well I'll buy in if you help me. They took my poor Miranda!

Boss Tornsail says I had too much to drink and bet her in cards. I don't really remember what happened last night, but I can hold my liquor and I'd never bet my bird! I suspect funny business. She might not look like much, but Miranda's the fastest damn falcon you'll ever see.

They're watching me, so you go free her. She'll fly someplace safe and I'll get her later. We got a deal?


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


Job done?


Ha! Did you see her fly out of there? Like the wind!

Thank you, <name>. You and Cesi can count on my support.


Interact with the Ball & Chain at [20.61, 43.56].


  1. A [20-60] An Economic Opportunity
  2. A [20-60] Cutthroat Business Practices & A [20-60] She's Got it Where it Counts
  3. A [20-60] Out With the Old Boss

Optional follow-ups:

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