Vulgar Vul'Gol

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AllianceVulgar Vul'Gol
Start Watcher Dodds [45.1, 67.0]
End Watcher Dodds [45.1, 67.0]
Level 10-30
Category Duskwood
Experience 1,750
Reputation +250 Stormwind
Rewards 14s


Kill 15 Splinter Fist Ogres of any kind.

  • Splinter Fist Ogre slain (15)


Hail, <class>. Care to lend a hand for the people of Darkshire?

There's a huge ogre mound just down the hill there. The Splinter Fist ogres usually keep to themselves, but they've got a bad habit of attacking travelers. Just the other day I saw one drag off a poor man's horse for food... he was lucky it left him behind!

The Night Watch wants to only risk its few members in the defense of more immediate threats, me included. But if you kill some of those ogres for me, I'll pay you for your deed.


You will receive: 14s


If you'd rather just sit around camp and have a drink or two, that's fine too, I guess.


I saw you drop a few of them from here. Nice work.

Here's your reward, on behalf of the Night Watch.


  1. A [10-30] Look To The Stars
  2. A [10-30] The Insane Ghoul
  3. A [10-30] Classy Glass

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