Victory for the Alliance

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AllianceVictory for the Alliance
Start  [Head of Onyxia]
End King Varian Wrynn
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Onyxia's Lair
Experience 9950 EXP (or 60s at level 70)
Next A [60] Celebrating Good Times
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [60] Victory for the Horde.


Take the Head of Onyxia to King Varian Wrynn in Stormwind.


You have accomplished the impossible. The brood mother of the Black Dragonflight lies dead at your feet. Take her head and present it to the King.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


By Uther's beard!


For so many years I was held under her captivating gaze. Finally, to see justice meted and the honor of Stormwind restored! Today, we celebrate this glorious victory!


  1. A [60] Victory for the Alliance
  2. A [60] Celebrating Good Times

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