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Image of Vetiverian
Title <Mmarl Guard Captain>
Gender Male
Race Niffen (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Captain
Location Mmarl, Azj-Kahet
Status Alive

Vetiverian is a niffen located in Mmarl in Azj-Kahet.




Mmarl's safety is my top priority.

Gossip Are you in charge of Mmarl?

Negative. That'd be Momma Nilla. Ya can find 'er in the Rock Bottom Inn, in town proper.

Gossip What do you think of Momma Nilla's leadership?

She's got a good head on her shoulders. So far, she hasn't lead the Mmarl kith astray during her tenure.

Mmarl has been here a mighty long time, longer than Loamm has been an idea kicking around in Aurantia's head, I reckon.

Momma Nilla isn't the first niffen to lead Mmarl, and she's shown that she's determined to not be the last.

Gossip What is your relationship to Momma Nilla?

Well, I... That's mighty personal, isn't it?

<Vetiverian blushes and kicks the dirt.>

I may be a little sweet on her, but you didn't hear it from me!

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