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Vengeance of the Frogs

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HordeVengeance of the Frogs
Start Shadow Hunter Narez
End Shadow Hunter Narez
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 22,300
Reputation +250 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards 46g 80s
Previous N [20-59B] Nagating the Threat


Defeat Priestess Zaldraxia.


Da naga here be led by a priestess, Zaldraxia. She be da one dat figured out how ta drain da frogs of their magic.

Zaldraxia be stoppin' at nothin' ta drain every frog here.

Do what I could not, and kill dis priestess. Show da naga dat Krag'wa ain't a loa ta be takin' lightly.

I be prayin' ta Krag'wa for ya success.


You will receive:


Zaldraxia be dead?


Wit' Zaldraxia dead, da naga should be leavin' soon. Ya did what I couldn't, and for dat ya have me thanks.

Krag'wa's blessin' be on ya, I be hopin' soon he recognizes me devotion ta him.




  1. H [20-60] To Serve Krag'wa
  2. H [20-60] Krag'wa's Chosen & H [20-60] Vengeance of the Frogs

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