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Krag'wa's Chosen

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HordeKrag'wa's Chosen
Start Shadow Hunter Narez
End Shadow Hunter Narez
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 17,850
Reputation +150 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous H [20-60] To Serve Krag'wa


Rescue Krol'dra the Wise, Wok'grug the Clever, and Wag'shash the Bold.


Dis be a real mess, <name>. Da naga be drainin' da magic of Krag'wa's frogs ta feed demselves!

Dere be three frogs, Krag'wa's champions, dat dey be torturin' as we speak.

Take dis potion, it be returnin' da power of dem noble frogs. Dey deserve better dan bein' drained by dese snake bastards.

I be stayin' here. Da naga got in some lucky hits on me. All me life, I wanted ta see Krag'wa, and I let meself get hurt by some naga!


You will receive:


Ya rescue dem champions?


Ya did it! Krag'wa gonna be pleased wit' dis, I be sure of it.




  1. H [20-60] To Serve Krag'wa
  2. H [20-60] Krag'wa's Chosen & H [20-60] Vengeance of the Frogs

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