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Vaelastrasz the Corrupt (Season of Discovery)

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For the retail version, see Vaelastrasz the Corrupt.
BossVaelastrasz the Corrupt
Image of Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Gender Male
Race Red dragon (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Shadow Wing Lair, Blackwing Lair [34.5, 27.8]
Status Killable

Vaelastrasz the Corrupt is the second boss of Blackwing Lair. He was corrupted by Nefarian and now serves him unwillingly.




Boss intro
Blackwing Technician yells: Run! They are coming!
The six technicians run for the Hall of Strife. They can be killed.
Lord Victor Nefarius yells: Ah...the heroes. You are persistent, aren't you? Your ally here attempted to match his power against mine - and paid the price. Now he shall serve slaughtering you.
Lord Victor Nefarius yells: Get up, little red wyrm...and destroy them!
I... I have failed, <name>. The Lord of Bla... The Lord of Blackrock is too powerful. He consumed my energy with... with ease. I turn... I... kill me... you must... you must kill me.

Gossip I cannot, Vaelastrasz! Surely something can be done to heal you!

I perform one final service. I pray it is sufficient...

Gossip Vaelastrasz, no!!!

Too late, friends! Nefarius' corruption has taken hold...I cannot...control myself.
I beg you, mortals - FLEE! Flee before I lose all sense of control! The black fire rages within my heart! I MUST- release it!
FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! Cower, mortals before the wrath of Lord...NO - I MUST fight this! Alexstrasza help me, I MUST fight it!
Reaching 15%
Nefarius' hate has made me stronger than ever before! You should have fled while you could, mortals! The fury of Blackrock courses through my veins!
Killing a player
Forgive me, (player)! Your death only adds to my failure!



Patch changes

External links