User:Ximothy/Wrynnverse/7th Legion

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For the greater forces under Varian's command, see, see [[Varian's Forces]].
Alliance7th Legion
Halford Wyrmbane TCG.jpg
Halford Wyrmbane & the 7th Legion
Main leader IconSmall Human Male.gif High Commander Halford Wyrmbane †
Secondary leaders IconSmall Human Female.gif Sky Admiral Rogers
IconSmall Taylor.gif Admiral Taylor †
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif High Marshal Twinbraid †
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male.gif Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Lynore Windstryke
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Duke August Foehammer
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
GnomeGnome Gnome
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarf
WorgenWorgen Worgen
  Formerly Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Character classes Archmage, Battle mage, Hunter, Inquisitor, Mage, Marine, Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Death knight
Base of operations The Skybreaker, Stormwind Harbor, Wolf's Landing, 7th Legion Command
Theater of operations Krasarang Wilds, Westfall, Elwynn Forest
Sub-group(s) 7th Fleet
Affiliation True Alliance
  Formerly Alliance, Might of Kalimdor, Valiance Expedition,
Status Disbanded

The 7th Legion was once regarded as the forefront of Alliance military power until it was perverted by King Varian Wrynn over the three year Alliance-Horde War. They were considered the elite of the Alliance who fought on the forefront in the Ahn'Qiraj War, Scourge War, War against Deathwing and most recently the Alliance-Horde war. Their closest Horde equilivent are the elite Kor'kron Guard who have fought in many similar wars.

After Varian Wrynn returned to the throne he begun pushing many loyalists and sycophants to the upper ranks of the 7th Legion, allowing greater control. Its leader, Halford Wyrmbane, was a man loyal to the Throne and Crown. While he did not want to see the Alliance pulled apart like Varian was doing he would choose loyalty and duty over feelings, giving Varian a 7th Legion loyal to the idea of a True Alliance. They served as the primary military force of the Alliance during the Krasarang Wilds war field and in Battlefield: Westfall when dealing with the insurection of Westfall's people against the exploition of their land by the 7th Legion. Most of its leaders, including Wyrmbane, Rogers and Taylor, would die over the course of this civil war.

The history of the 7th Legion would close after the Siege of Stormwind, many of its original members such as Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig, Lynore Windstryke and Duke August Foehammer would go on to lead the successor 8th Legion.


After the death of Neltharion over the Maelstrom King Varian Wrynn had an extensive resource stripping over Westfall, a land relatively resource rich in ore and farmlands. Initially this saw a boom in buisness for the locals however over time various forces of the 7th Legion would take control over various regions of Westfall and drive the locals out, giving the work instead to those of their own fold or cheap contractors such as the Sparkplugg Company. The 7th Legion are guarding these bases and their Commanders, eight in total, are all over the region directing the efforts to quash the rebellion. These commanders are highly skilled and experienced in fighting powerful opponents as they are former Adventurers themselves.

The locals grew outraged at the plunder of their lands, and these outcries were heard by other elements in the Alliance. Prince Anduin Wrynn had secretly returned to the Eastern Kingdoms and came to Westfall, secretly helping and hiding his identity. When Tyrande Whisperwind, Jaina Proudmoore and the Paragon arrived to meet with Gryan Stoutmantle Anduin revealed himself and assured them he was against his father. He had come to the sad conclusion that his father must be removed, however he still had friends in Stormwind and they sent him word that the 7th Legion were masssing an attack on Sentinel Hill to quash the growing rebellion. The assault was led by Gryphon Commander Urik however the 7th Legion were not able to take Sentinel Hill, with reinforcements coming from the form of Night Elves and Theramore Marines arriving to back the Sentinel Hill Rebellion.

However not all the Alliance reinforcements made landfall, as the 7th Fleet was able to intercept a part of the night elf fleet and take many prisoners including Shandris Feathermoon who was left in the care of Inquisitor Hallard. The 7th Fleet would set up a blockade over the seas outside of Stormwind to prevent any more forces from coming in, cutting off reinforcements, however they were blindsided by a surge of the Horde's navy led by Warchief Hellscream in the Battle on the High Seas, where the Horde sunk the rear 7th Fleet. Vol'jin and the Horde's Champion would infiltrate Elwynn and discover the prison camp, freeing Shandris as a way to get a meeting with Tyrande and killing the camp's leader Vas the Unstable. There Vol'jin and Tyrande would strike an uneasy bargain to work together to besiege Stormwind as well as have the Horde help the rebellion. Hellscream was not pleased with the idea of making peace on such terms but would agree that the Horde was bleeding and needed peace to recover.


True Alliance

Name Role Status Location
IconSmall Human Male.gif Halford Wrymbane High Commander and Leader Killable Elwynn Forest (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall Human Female.gif Katherine Rogers Sky Admiral and captain of the Skyfire Alive Stormwind City (during the Siege of Stormwind)
IconSmall Taylor.gif Admiral Taylor Admiral of the 7th Fleet Deceased Stormwind City (during the Siege of Stormwind)
IconSmall Human Male.gif Sky Captain Callanan Skyfire Lieutenant Killable Stormwind City (during the Siege of Stormwind)
IconSmall DruidoftheFlame Male.gif Thananos Shadewalker Skyfire Lieutenant Killable Stormwind City (during the Siege of Stormwind)
IconSmall DarkIron Female.gif Korgra the Snake Skyfire Lieutenant Killable Stormwind City (during the Siege of Stormwind)
IconSmall Worgen Female.gif Master Cannoneer Terrowulf Skyfire Lieutenant Killable Stormwind City (during the Siege of Stormwind)
IconSmall Human Male.gif Supply Officer Graves Supply Officer of the 7th Fleet Killable Stormwind City (during the Siege of Stormwind)
IconSmall Human Male.gif Rear Admiral Hodgson Rear Admiral of the 7th Fleet Killable Great Sea (during the Battle on the High Seas
IconSmall Human Male.gif Gryphon Commander Urik Gryphon Commander Deceased Sentinel Hill (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall Human Male.gif Inquisitor Hallard Inquisitor Deceased Elwynn Forest (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Vas the Unstable Inquisitor Deceased Elwynn Forest (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Donavan Bale Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall Human Female.gif Victoria Jaton Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall Human Male.gif Dralor Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall Human Male.gif Zenith Shadowforce Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall Human Male.gif Archmage Barstow Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Rotun Daggerhand Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall DruidoftheFlame Female.gif Moonshadow Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)
IconSmall Gnome Female.gif Rinni Gloomtrik Commander Killable Westfall (during Battlefield: Westfall)


Name Role Status Location
AllianceIconSmall Dwarf Male.gif High Marshal Twinbraid High Marshal of Wolf's Landing Deceased Wolf's Landing, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall Human Female.gif Mavis Harms Champion of Shadows Killable Wolf's Landing, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Disha Fearwarden Champion of Light Killable Wolf's Landing, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall NightElf Male.gif Dalan Nightbreaker Champion of Arms Killable Wolf's Landing, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall Wildhammer Male.gif Daggin Windbeard Flightmaster of Wolf's Landing Alive Wolf's Landing, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall Human Female.gif Agent Malley Quartermaster of Wolf's Landing Alive Wolf's Landing, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall Wildhammer Male.gif Aroc Stonebeak Commander Killable Gorehowl Point, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall NightElf Male.gif Thaumaturge Moonspire Commander Killable Gorehowl Point, Krasarang Wilds
AllianceIconSmall Human Female.gif Priestess Laralla Commander Killable Gorehowl Point, Krasarang Wilds

Former Members

Name Role Status Location
AllianceIconSmall Human Male.gif Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig former Commander Alive Sentinel Hill (during Battlefield: Westfall)
AllianceIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Lynore Windstryke former Commander Alive Sentinel Hill (during Battlefield: Westfall)
AllianceIconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Duke August Foehammer former Commander Alive Sentinel Hill (during Battlefield: Westfall)

Battlefield: Westfall forces

  • HumanHuman 7th Legionnaire
  • HumanHuman 7th Legion Marine
  • HumanHuman 7th Legion Battlemage
  • HumanHuman 7th Legion Inquisitor
  • HumanHuman 7th Legion Blackguard
  • Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf 7th Legion Rifleman
  • Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf 7th Legion Ironbreaker
  • GnomeGnome 7th Legion Tinker
  • GnomeGnome 7th Legion Alchemist
  • WorgenWorgen 7th Legion Stalker
  • WorgenWorgen 7th Legion Berserker
  • IconSmall DruidoftheFlame Male.gifIconSmall DruidoftheFlame Female.gif 7th Legion Pyromancer
  • IconSmall DruidoftheFlame Male.gifIconSmall DruidoftheFlame Female.gif 7th Legion Druid
  • GoblinGoblin 7th Legion Contractor (Venture Co.)

8th Legion

Alliance8th Legion
Main leader IconSmall NightElf Female.gif High Commander Lynore Windstryke
Secondary leaders IconSmall Human Male.gif Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Duke August Foehammer
Race(s) Night elfNight elfHighborneHighborne Night Elf
HumanHumanHumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Ironforge dwarf
Wildhammer dwarfWildhammer dwarf Wildhammer dwarf
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
WorgenWorgen Worgen
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Lightforged draeneiLightforged draenei Lightforged draenei
Void elfVoid elf Void elf
Mechagon mechagnomeMechagon mechagnome Mechagon mechagnome
Character classes Archmage, Battle mage, Hunter, Mage, Marine, Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Death knight
Base of operations Wind's Redemption, Dawnsailor
Theater of operations Kul Tiras, Zandalar
Sub-group(s) 8th Fleet
Affiliation Alliance
Status Active

Successor force to the disbanded 7th Legion following the Siege of Stormwind, the 8th Legion was formed to replace the force that had become the personal force of the fallen king Varian. Under the command of Lynore Windstryke, veteran of the Ahn'Qiraj War and the War against the Lich King, the force has pledged to protect all member races of the Alliance. Their forces would go on to fight at Broken Shore during the Third invasion of the Burning Legion and would go on to be an essential force during the Blood War against the Horde and the second Scourge war.