User:Xich70167/Sanctuary (Kargath US)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2019-08-20

Server Kargath US
Guild Leader Selvaggio
Type PvE
Accounts 150 +
Armory Sanctuary Armory

Sanctuary is a casual guild that strives to provide a fun place to enjoy the game for its members, and support their various interests in the game.

We do have a focus on progressing in raids, as that is a popular activity. We do, however, have many people who choose to never raid and participate in other aspects of the game entirely.

Guild progress

Level 85

Since the conversion to one raid ID for both 10 & 25, only one date is shown. Typically, our best progress is in 10-man at the moment.

Levels 60, 70 & 80

As we are a casual guild that sometimes progresses slowly, we did not complete all instances when they were max-level, but we are proud of the fact that we have at least gone back to see/complete the content instead of just leaving it behind. Dates of final boss kills listed where possible. For level 80 raids, 10-mans are listed first; for the Vault of Archavon, the date is for the most recent boss.


Sanctuary was originally the guild Starshadow, founded on Kargath at release. Due to internal difficulties after the Burning Crusade expansion, most of the leadership and members of Starshadow left and made Sanctuary, which has remained stable in the two years since.

The members of Sanctuary try to promote a friendly atmosphere. We are a casual guild that enjoys many aspects of the game. As raiding is one of those activities, it tends to take the spotlight position. But it is by no means the only activity enjoyed by Sanctuary members. The Burning Crusade helped us to find a formula that works well for us. We may some times do things slowly but we have fun doing them and meet with success in the end. It was with this mindset that we entered Wrath of the Lich King. It is how we envision to proceed into the future: having fun with each other, and remembering we're all just playing a game.

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Weekly raid schedule

We currently do not have a official guild raiding schedule for 25-mans. When we do pick up 25-man raiding again, these will likely be the times:

  • Thursday, 8:00 PM Server
  • Sunday, 8:00 PM Server

Runs of 10-mans are individually scheduled on off-nights between members.

Guild rules

  • Loot rules in 25-mans are currently under revision, but will likely have a small attendence preference.
  • Attendence is not required, and anyone may sign up for raids.
  • Additional rules and information can be found, along with application information on our website.


If you would like additional information, any of the following individuals can assist you in-game:
