Server:Aggramar US

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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realm Fizzcrank US

This article is an information page for the Aggramar realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Realms.gif  Aggramar US (PvE)

Spell holy vindication.pngVindication (US) »
Latin American servers
The Aggramar server is named after the male Vanir Titan, who was once Sargeras's lieutenant.

Aggramar is a part of the Battlegroup Vindication (US).
Aggramar's server time is set to the Central time zone.

Aggramar has been around since the second day of the launch of World of Warcraft, and is a heavily populated server with a more casual player-base. The Alliance:Horde ratio is about 2:1; despite this, there are a many guilds that manage to push end-game content within both factions, up to and including mythic Highmaul.

"Aggy" is the nickname that Aggramar's players use when referencing their server. "Laggramar" is another popular nickname due to its history as a laggy and somewhat unreliable server, though these problems have reduced in frequency greatly since Wrath of the Lich King.

Realm Records

Warlords of Draenor

Hellfire Citadel

  • First Heroic Archimonde kill: Incursio Tres on Aug 21, 2015 01:18
  • First Mythic Archimonde kill: Unclaimed


  • First Heroic Blackhand kill: Brie on Mar 23, 2015 03:36 GMT
  • First Mythic Blackhand kill: Unclaimed



Alliance Alliance (Aggramar)

  • Brie
  • Emerald Knights
  • The Eleventh Plague
  • The Enclave
  • Eternium
  • Exiled Inc
  • Expiation
  • The Haunted
  • Iron Vanguard
  • Primal Chaos
  • Royalty
  • Shine
  • Unbroken
  • United
  • Vortex
  • WhackDonalds
  • Willful Misconduct

Alliance Alliance (Fizzcrank)

  • The Butchers
  • Censorship is Cancer
  • Chaos Unison
  • Death Note Society
  • Defiled
  • Exodus
  • Fairytail
  • Incursio Tres
  • The Swole Patrol

Horde Horde (Aggramar)

  • Aptitude
  • Back in Business
  • Covetous
  • Distorted Perceptions
  • Foederati
  • My Lifes Getting Better
  • Nothing Fancy
  • Order of the Raven
  • The Remnant
  • Resurgence

Horde Horde (Fizzcrank)

  • Heathen Legion
  • Maurauders
  • Used Napkin

Quick Links