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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

A list of my Alliance- and Neutral-affiliated characters, primarily dwelling in the Wowhead forums. Note that this is incomplete and will get updated as soon as I over-power my lazyness.


Alexander "Duskhide" Bowie

AllianceAlexander "Duskhide" Bowie
Image of Alexander "Duskhide" Bowie
Title <Lord>
Gender Male
Race Worgen
Class Aristocrat(formerly), Druid
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Gilneas
Occupation Wandering druid
Location varies
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral Good


"I am Alexander, but I am also Duskhide."

The cataclysm that consumed the southern part of Gilnean peninsula also destroyed Bowie manor, leaving Alexander, who was hunting feral worgen to the north at the time, only his title as a mockery. For a short period of time he became a lot more reckless, unleashing his grief upon his prey. That cost him dearly, for not long after that a worgen bit him, causing all dark and horrible that was inside him to emerge in the form of Duskhide. The new-born feral worgen ravaged the land for some time before meeting - actually, jumping at - several night elf druids not far from Tal'doren and getting subdued. The night elves could feel that inside the beast still clinged to hope remnants of a human he once had been - and that the said human had a hidden talent for druidism. Thus, they took the risk of letting Bowie into the Emerald Dream, where his human side faced off against his worgen one.

Alexander emerged victorious, but considering the fact that his personality changed considerably after that, it is safe to say that rather than defeating Duskhide, he accepted him as a part of himself and conjoined with him. As an outcome, his affinity to Nature grew stronger, and under tutelage of more experienced druids he became quite a prominent one himself. Now that not only his manor but his homeland lies ravaged, nothing ties Alexander to one place, and thus he wanders across Azeroth, undoing the unnatural and furthering the Alliance cause whenever he can.


"Problems, officer?" - when talking to a Horde guard in his worgen form, grinning ear to ear.
Alexander prior to his transformation

In his human form, Alexander stands at 6'6" and weighs about 180 pounds, while taking the guise of Duskhide makes him as tall as 7' and 275 pounds heavy. Before the transformation he used to be rather pale and frail, but now he is a lot stronger and better built, as well as having acquired a healthy tan. He wears a traditional - if somewhat dark - Druid garb, and is rarely seen without his staff, which is actually a misplaced twig of Tal'doren, altered to better serve him. As a human Alexander sports a black mane that almost rivals that of Duskhide, and is usually clean-shaven. Duskhide is large, black-furred and posesses deep amethyst eyes that probably are an indication of his druidic abilities.


"Face the wrath of Nature!"

Alexander is adept in all forms of druidic combat, but prefers to call upon powers of Nature and deal with his enemies from afar, rather than engaging them in melee. His favorite tricks include sprouting numerous vines to hold - and, if needed, tear apart - his adversaries, bombarding them with explosive and/or rapidly growing seeds, or, if dealing with undead or demons, calling down a focused ray of light to burn them. When forced to close combat he prefers a form of a large silver-back saberworg. His ultimate weapon is an ability to, upon piercing his enemy's body with his staff, forcing it to grow rapidly, in the end sealing his victim inside a tree that would feed upon his or her organism.


"I do what I have to do, and nothing will stop me."

Alexander has many personality flaws - he is rather arrogant, self-confident, zealous and vengeful when it comes to dealing with Forsaken - he hates them both as a druid and as a Gilnean, and it takes a lot to keep him from killing one immediately upon notice. That is not the case with other races, however, and Alexander is even willing to work along-side orcs, trolls or tauren if it means restoring the natural balance. After his final transformation, however, he grew a lot more mature, and is now calm, reserved, patient and sometimes even wise. He retains a noble's etiquette, but also possesses a savage worgen's brutality, so it is not hard for him to communicate with almost everyone.

Valentine Joshua Tyler

AllianceValentine Joshua Tyler
Image of Valentine Joshua Tyler
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Hydromancer(Mage)
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Location varies
Status Alive
Companion(s) Mercury (water elemental pet)
Alignment Neutral Good


Mercury, Valentine's pet.

A devastating fire destroyed the Tyler Manor almost five decades ago, leaving only a scared little boy in the middle of the charred ruins and a distinctive trace of magic in the air - trace that was shortly after spotted by a Kirin Tor wizard. Apparently, the fire awakened Valentine's dormant affinity to the arcane that allowed him to form a protective shield around himself - although too late and too small to save anyone but himself, leaving Valentine's face and soul forever scarred. For years, the orphan had been studying the arcane arts, and soon became a qualified Hydromancer - choosing the path of Water for obvious reasons.

Valentine has traveled across almost all of Azeroth and even beyond it, although his stay in the shattered realm of Draenor was brief at best. His loyalty to the Alliance is unquestionable, and him taking part in all of the major conflicts was not left unnoticed. During his ventures he met a water elemental named Mercury, who for some reason took a guise of a liquid serpent. The Hydromancer rescued Mercury from a couple of angry fire elementals, and the two have formed a friendship quickly.


6'6" tall, pale and slender, - not the ill kind of pale and slender, rather the one that hints of an upper-class lifestyle, - always clean-shaven. His hair (which is usually done into a ponytail that descends right beneath the shoulder line) is already silvery-white, but apart from that he looks like he's in his middle fourties at most. His eyes - of average size and form - are sky-blue and usually have a distinct 'warm' look in them.

Has an old burn that covers right half of his lower jaw and ranges, including, from the earlobe to the chin. Due to that fact, is often seen with a silvery scarf covering lower half of his face up to, but not including, the nose. In his clothing, prefers shades of blue and silver.


Valentine is a formidable opponent by any standarts, and anyone fighting him will experience devastating blizzards, crushing waves or even become unable to breath, since Tyler's favorite trick is creating an orb of water around the enemy's head, thus preventing air from reaching them - and likewise, rendering them unable to cast any spells. Mercury helps Valentine in combat, too, amplifying his water spells as well as lashing at the Hydromancer's enemies on his own.


On the outside, charming, intelligent, generally caring and all-around a nice fellow of the kind you feel you really are important to him when you speak to him, not without a sense of taste and enjoys a good laugh - and all of that is true on the inside, too, provided you are a human.

However, Valentine is, first of all, a speciesist and generally follows the 'What Measure Is A Non Human' creed. He will stop at nothing - save for hurting an innocent human being - to achieve his goals, even though the fact that the said goals are furthering the cause of the Alliance is unquestionable. Even with his human associates Valentine can be calculating and manipulative, but only if he believes it will be for the greater good.

Valentine is also quite a womaniser, and while he'll never compromise a lady, he will use his wits, charm and good looks almost whenever he meets someone either beautiful, or likely to be proven useful later on.

Has a pyrophobia, although as of lately has managed to adapt to such mundane forms of fire as the one beneath a cauldron or the one on a tip of a torch.

Nagorm Woeherald

NeutralNagorm Woeherald
Image of Nagorm Woeherald
Gender Male
Race(s) Orc soul, undead human body (Undead)
Class Death knight
Affiliation(s) Horde of Draenor, Shadow Council (formerly); Himself (currently)
Location Outland
Status Alive
Relative(s) Nathaniel Wooster (human guise)
Companion(s) Dusktalon (undead gryphon mount)
Alignment Neutral Evil


Nagorm Woeherald is one of the original death knights of the Horde of Draenor, created by Gul'dan from the corpse of a fallen Alliance knight Alexi Pureheart and the spirit of a slain Shadow Council necrolyte. He was one of the last necrolytes to be slaughtered by Orgrim, thus having been forced to watch the deaths of his brethren. As an outcome, seeds of disdain and hatred towards the Horde were sown even there. When Gul'dan raised Nagorm into undeath, the latter for the time being worked hard furthering the Horde cause, as if seeking to redeem himself in the Warchief's eyes. In truth, the only thing that had ever attracted Nagorm was power for himself.

During the Second War Woeherald was sent back into Draenor, the members of the Bonechewer clan that he had been born in didn't even try to understand him, or treat him with any empathy whatsoever. This fueled the rage inside Nagorm even more, but for the time being he seemingly accepted his outcast position - only to be in the first wave of the raid that Ner'zhul sent against the camp hosting the Skull of Gul'dan, and later take personal part in obliterating the clan remnants.

Ner'zhul sent him, among many others, to hold back the Alliance Expedition, and subsequently left the death knight behind when Draenor was torn apart. After nearly escaping oblivion and deciding that enough is enough, Nagorm fled into the deeper reaches of Outland - as it was now called - vowing never again to align himself with any major faction. For years, he was lurking in the shadows, biding his time and gathering power, occasionally appearing under the guise of a human named Nathaniel Wooster. After a decade or two the realization of meaninglessness and hollowness of his existence became to creep on him, only to be discarded carelessly - if there was one thing Nagorm was determined to do, it was to outlive all and everyone who took part in the conflict that led him to his current state.

During the Alliance's invasion on Draenor Nagorm met and killed a Wildhammer gryphon rider, reanimating his mount as Dusktalon, a fearsome and highly intelligent creature that now serves as the death knight's faithful steed as well as combat sidekick.


Nagorm's human body is that of average constitution and height, with but minor traces of decay, held back by the death knight's sorcery. His skin is sickly white, creating an unsettling contrast with his red, glowing eyes - indication of his power. His hair is long, straight and ash-blond and his face lacks any facial hair whatsoever.

Nagorm is most commonly seen in a simple black robe with a cowl that is able to conceal his face almost entirely. Beneath it more often than not is a full set of engraved plate armor - black with golden and red designs.

Nathaniel Wooster

Nathaniel Wooster.

When taking on the guise of Nathaniel Wooster, Nagorm looks like an elderly middle-class human with graying blond hair and a glorious beard with mustache. His manner of dressing makes people mistake him for anyone ranging from a retired merchant to a magistrate. As if compensating for the sick whiteness of his body, Nagorm always maintains an illusion of a healthy tan. To earn the trust of those he meets, he smiles frequently, revealing believably worn teeth with several golden prosthetics.


Surprising as it may seem, Nagorm prefers to stay out of combat if possibly, acting through his minions or manipulating the others from the shadows. When forced into the fray, however, Woeherald is a fearsome opponent, possessing unmatched experience in the dark arts of death knights as well as formidable skills in fel and shadow magics of the necrolytes. Most likely Nagorm will stay out of enemy's reach, raining destruction upon their heads with Dusktalon's razorsharp claws and maullike beak keeping their opponents away from the death knight. In melee Nagorm favors a bastard sword that he either wields either with two hands, delivering crushing blows with supernatural strength, or with one hand, moving with exceptional speed to expose weaknesses in his adversary's defenses and delier one precise, deadly sting. He also possesses some skill in necromancy, enough to raise dead bodies around him to fight on his side, if only for a brief amount of time.

As Nathaniel Wooster, his main weapon is his tongue. Nagorm spent many years learning how to survive, and that involved negotiating, bargaining or even charming the others for his goals to be accomplished. He will frequently pose as friendly and willing to help, quickly earning the others' trust. When he encounters someone able to see through his disguise and sense the dark aura he emanates, Nagorm will immediately take out an old amulet of his and say that once he battled a death knight named Nagorm Woeherald and kept one of his possessions as a memento, thus using his own name to ward off the curious.

Darkbone Praetorian Cohort

Darkbone Praetorian

It is unknown when exactly did Nagorm begin forming an elite unit of bodyguards and mercenaries, but the few individuals that have met him in his true form are more than likely to also meet Darkbone Praetorians - lich-knights hailing from various races and castes, each possessing a tremendous amount of power. Rumor has it that their phylacteries are made of their own hearts, but it is yet unknown where are those hearts kept. Regardless, at least one of them - namely, Corvus - has happened to reappear after seemingly having been utterly annihilated.


Nagorm cannot help but feel that his existence is lacking a purpose other than simply surviving. However, being a hunted-upon remnant of the past and possessing artifacts that many seek to obtain, he thinks that it is a feat in itself, as well as accumulating power, knowledge and wealth. With almost all his fellow death knights killed, his own clan posing him as an outcast (which is ironic, considering the mindless blood thirst of the now fel-transformed Bonechewers) and no one caring whether he lives or dies, Nagorm is in return egocentric up to the eleven. His self-preservation instinct is developed to the point one could call him a coward, and he will frequently flee if the odds seem to be against him - which does not stop him from charging onto his prey once he has calculated that the fighting will surely result in victory.

Baron Alaric Dalson

NeutralAlaric Dalson
Image of Alaric Dalson
Title <Baron>
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Death Knight
Affiliation(s) The Scourge
Location Plaguelands
Status Undead
Alignment Lawful Evil


Alaric's parents died when he was still young and he was raised by his distant relative, Harold Dalson in his farm. When the Plague of Undeath came to Lordaeron, Alaric immediately joined the army and was placed under Marwyn's command. He fought through all the majority of the campaign, including the Culling of Stratholme that he willingly took part in, fervently believing in his prince's actions and following his orders with almost religious zeal. Alaric did not hesitate a second when he learned about Arthas's expedition to the North, and continued his service to his prince. However, he was greatly distressed by the events of the War, and perhaps the only thing that kept him away from madness was unshakeable belief in his commanders. It backfired horribly on him later, after Mal'Ganis's eventual defeat and Arthas's succumbing to the whispers of Frostmourne. He could only stand, not even horrified but confused, when Marwyn pierced his heart with the words, "Because the prince wishes so."

After Alaric's resurrection, Arthas recognised the dark potential that was buried inside him. Dalson was ascended into baronhood and granted the lands immediately surrounding Dalson's Farm, which he took for granted seeing as his adoptive father had no living heir except from him. Now as a death knight of the Scourge, the Baron leads the troops, in his forever cold heart still fighting for Lordaeron and for his prince.


Alaric is a man of medium high and muscular, well-developed build. His once black hair grayed before his time when he was raised into undeath, stopping somewhere in the middle between charcoal and silver. He dreamed to grow a glorious beard back when he was alive, but all that is left to him now is a small, albeit stylish, goatee not unlike an arrowhead. The Baron wears a custom-crafted set of plate armor adorned with skulls and covered with magical runes. Before the Fall of the Lich King he used to wield a gargantuan maul, but sometime after the event he switched to a razor-sharp two-handed axe. His eyes glow a dim aquamarine light, although he is known to be able to tone it down at will.


Image of Rane
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Sith
Affiliation(s) himself
Occupation Planeswalker
Location varies
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Sarvaraad the Hellcaller

NeutralSarvaraad the Hellcaller
Image of Sarvaraad the Hellcaller
Gender Male
Race Nathrezim
Affiliation(s) the Burning Legion, the Nathrezim
Occupation Scourge overseer
Location varies
Status Alive
Alignment Lawful Evil

Wilhelm Meyer

AllianceWilhelm Meyer
Image of Wilhelm Meyer
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Warlock
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Occupation Adventurer
Location Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive
Companion(s) Tarnik (imp), Zag'Gorg (voidwalker), Gesvene (succubus), Khadomo (felhunter), Arc'Arahm (felguard), Taintspark ( [Dreadsteed])
Alignment Lawful Neutral



A print of Meyer's signet ring.
Meyer stands tall.

Perhaps the most notable trait of Meyer's appearance is his mismatched eyes, the left one preserving the natural yellowish-brown while the right one being eerily white (although the pupil is still perfectly normal) - an aftereffect of a spell gone wrong. Whether these eyes grant him any abilities or are simply an aesthetic change remains to be seen.

Wilhelm is tall by human standarts, but that is not obvious from the first glance, given his tendency to slouch. His poorly developed muscles are masked by flamboyant, expensive robes adorned with numerous jewels, most of them serve as accumulators for fel energy. His hair is auburn and straight, and he wears it in a pony-tail that reaches just beneath his shoulderline. Wilhelm also sports a goatee.


Tarnik is smaller than most of his brethren, barely reaching one feet in height. With the horns, ears and tail that would probably suit an imp twice his size, he is a weird thing to look at. Tarnik rarely skips or jumps around when summoned into the mortal plain, preferring to sit on his master's shoulder like a raven on its perch - or even disguising himself as a small raven with yellow eyes when Wilhelm wishes to travel without being recognised as a warlock.


Perhaps the only trait Zag'Gorg shares with most warlock-controlled voidwalkers is his deep blue color. Instead of binding his essence to bracers, Wilhelm chose to carve the runes into heavy plate armor assembled piece by piece from armaments looted off several void lords. As such, Zag'Gorg looks probably more intimidating than his actual powers would allow him to be, with bolts of lightning occasionally appearing around his shoulderguards.


Gesvene' blueish white skin is richly covered by runic tattoos that increase her already formidable powers. Much less of that skin is revealed to an accident beholder, compared to other succubi, since she wears far more armor, sacrificing speed for the sake of greater efficiency in combat - not that it makes her any less seductive, however.


While being of average size and build, Khadomo still manages to stand out of the felhunters' ranks, thanks to a large black leather collar he wears. The collar is adorned with metal spikes, strategically positioned in a manner excluding any possibility of the beast harming itself well pouncing at the enemy, as their assignment is not to serve as additional weapons, but rather as hosts for complicated runic patterns, mirroring those carved into Khadomo's horns and claws.


This mo'arg is perhaps both the most common-looking and the most intimidating of Wilhelm's minions, standing more than nine feet tall and clad in traditional felguard armor of color black. His yellow skin lacks runic tattoos that can be seen on the other four demons, since Wilhelm decided to enchant Arc'Arahm's armor and weapon instead.




While undoubtedly the least formidable opponent of Meyer's minions in terms of raw power, Tarnik has many uses for his master. His unparalleled skills in phase shifting allowed him to develop an ability to hide himself completely from those unable to sense demonic presence, thus becoming an invaluable spy - and in some cases, even an assassin, when all it takes to kill Wilhelm's enemy is a small drop of poison. When forced into direct confrontation, Tarnik will put up a surprisingly potent resistance, wielding several potent fire spells as well as amplyfying his master's incantations.


Even though Zag'Gorg's strength and stamina are more than a match for most of his opponents, the voidwalker is rarely seen on the battlefield, seeing as nearly all of his assignments can be done by Arc'Arahm with equal - if not greater, even - efficiency. He is called upon when the task is too mundane or simple for the felguard to be risked, or when fighting at night, when the surrounding shadows provide him a nigh uncounterable way of regaining his form. Zag'Gorg is also a literal bane of all shadow-favoring casters, shrugging off their spells of choice with frightening ease. Lastly, the voidwalker will most likely come to aid when it is inevitable for Wilhelm to confront his enemies directly, without a second thought sacrificing a portion of his health to create a protective shield around his master.


Gesvene's greatest power lies within her charming abilities. Disguised as a member of their race, the succubus can shatter the will of even the most stoic males, luring out their most treasured secrets. Unsurprisingly, she is more than able to defend herself if attacked, crushing Wilhelm's enemies with shadow magic and lashes of her thorned whip alike, her favorite move being choking her opponent to submission or death after catching his neck with her whip while sending waves of dark energy through it.


As most felhunters, Khadomo performs best when put against a spellcaster, disrupting their incantations and feeding on their magics with relative ease. While ordinary hounds can track someone with nothing but a scent, Khadomo can do both that and locate an arcanist, catching on the residual magic left in the area by their spells. With truely supernatural stamina at his dispose, the felhunter will track his prey for days to tear them limb from limb when he finally finds them, his razor-sharp claws and fangs meeting equally little resistance from cloth, leather and mail alike.


Arc'Arahm exists for one single purpose - to fight his master's enemies. He revels in the wanton bloodshed, but will not prolong the battle more than it is necessary to slaughter his opponent. His giant axe made of fel-infused khorium seems a natural continuation of his arm right until the point when it flies through the air to cleave an unwitting enemy in half - and thanks to the runes carved into its hilt it will always return to its owner's hand. Similar runes adorn Arc'Arahm's dark armor, allowing him to shrug off many weaker spells and at least partially resist the stronger ones.


Darkbone Praetorians

Lord Aquila/Alexi Orlov

Lord Aquila.png

Milvus/Victor Korshunov


Ciconia/Elisabeth Aistina


Corvus/Andrey Voronov


While only being strong enough to be ranked as the Fourth in the Cohort and being easily overpowered by Aquila, Milvus and Ciconia, Corvus is the closest thing Nagorm has to a right-hand man, running the majority of his errands. Despite his seemingly laid-back attitude, he is more than competent and ruthless enough to get the job done when push comes to shove.

In his human guise of Andrey Voronov, he is a tall, stooping gangly man with messy, wire-like black hair, a crooked nose and almond-shaped green eyes. His usual clothing is all made of black leather - a duster with innumerable pockets, a hat and heavy, metal-reinforced boots.

Falco/Vasily Sokolov


Number Five is easily the most cheerful of all the top ten Praetorians, beating even Corvus in that matter. He is flamboyant and rarely can be seen without a mischievous smile on his face. He is not as battle-loving as the rest of the Cohort, and will probably even try to talk his way out of an armed confrontation, unless the enemy had managed to anger him.

When taking upon the guise of Vasily Sokolov, he is short, barely higher than a dwarf, and not nearly as muscular. He has large bright blue eyes and short, spiky yellow hair. His preferred color in clothing is dark green, and he can most often be seen in woolen trousers, vest and a longcoat.

Bubo/Jacob Filinov


Bubo is quiet, hard-working and very serious - even for someone working for Nagorm. He is also perhaps the most loyal, being grateful to his sovereign due to special circumstances concerning his ascent into the Cohort - although only the two of them and perhaps Falco know the specifics. Although being somewhat gentle, he is completely emotionless about eliminating an enemy when forced to fight, and will use any means necessary to win and further his master's cause.

His alter ego, Jacob Filinov, is a giant of a man, rivaling taurens in height and shoulder breadth. He is the physically largest member of the Cohort, with Lord Aquila being significantly shorter and Corvus too stooping and lanky. He usually wears dark brown fur-coat over a pair of trousers and a vest, and a pair of oversized goggles with many gadgets built into them. He has gray eyes, very short brown hair and frequently forgets to shave, leading to permanents stubble on his heavy chin.
